Tuesday, March 27, 2018

An Unexpected Pause

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I'm just popping in to let you know that I will be taking a hiatus from blogging. Some of you might be wondering what happened to me as I haven't posted in over a week and left few comments in the blogosphere.

Unexpectedly and rather suddenly I got some kind of bug just over  a week ago. Recovery is very slow and I really am not up to being on line much. I will be back when I'm feeling much better.

In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying the changing season wherever you live. Here at home it is overcast today and quite dull.

Monday, March 19, 2018

The First Signs of Spring

The cherry blossoms are just starting to come out on one tree near my place. 
No signs of blossoms are yet visible in most of the other trees around where I live but it won't be long now. 

I had to use my Android phone camera which doesn't take the best of photos.

I couldn't help myself. I had to capture these blossoms because every year I anticipate the blossoms with eagerness and joy when I finally see them.
I hope to share better photos soon.

Happy Tuesday and happy week ahead.

I'm linking up with

Our World Tuesday this week.

Thanks for stopping by!

Beauty in the Night

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you had a wonderful week and have some nice plans for the weekend.   Even though it's a long w...