Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lazy Sunday Dinners

On a  lazy Sunday I like to make one pot dinners. This past Sunday it was raining and coolish so this dinner hit the spot.


2 small washed and diced yams
2 small washed and diced russett potatoes
1 1/2 peeled and roughly chopped yellow onions
1 large stalk of celery, washed and quartered
2 medium carrots, washed, peeled and quartered
1 head of garlic with outer skins peeled off and top of head sliced off
1 medium pork roast
salt and pepper

After preparing the vegetables, place the celery, carrots and onions in the center of a baking dish. Then place the pork roast on top and put some coarsely ground pepper and salt on the top to season. Spread the remaining ingredients around the roast and season with more salt and pepper. Cover and cook in a 400 F oven for 1.5 to 2 hours until everything is nicely cooked and the pork is soft and crumbly.


Kilauea Poetry said...

This dish looks terrific.
I came back for the chocolate chip cookie recipe (couldn't resist). I'm going to try either tonight or tomarrow- thanks!

Joyful said...

@ Kilauea, I'm so glad you came back for the cookie recipe. I hope you will post a photo of your cookies when they are done :-)

Susan said...

Your pork roast looks delish! It is something I will think of the next time I do a pork roast.


Joyful said...

Thank you Susan. I had the pork roast for Sunday dinner and ate too much! It is well worth the minimal effort it takes to make and is even great for inviting guests over (just add a starter and a light dessert).

Smalltown RN said...

OH that looks so yummy....I enjoy pork...

I read your post on Kamloops....I have a dear friend who lives in Kamloops who I visit often....especially in the winter then we go up to Sun Peaks and go skiing. They also have a place on the Shushwap so in the summer we get to have some fun on the lake....yes Kamloops has really grown up over the years....and it does seem to be a gateway to so many other places in the did a fine job on describing Kamloops!

Joyful said...

@Smalltown RN, you have found the best of both worlds, beach life on the coast and winter life in the mountains. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you found my description of Kamloops accurate and thanks for adding the bit about the skiing. With Sun Peaks now in the "neighbourhood", this is a huge bonus for the area.

My Castle in Spain said...

Hi dear Joyful, thank you popping over ! well yes...i guess blogger is having a bad cold..I can't see your pic either and from reading the recipe, it sounds so yummy!! I was about to post about our sunday lunch too..well it will wait until tomorrow..
Have a great monday !!

Katy ~ said...

To me, this has to be one of the most perfect weekend meals. So often we had something like this while I was growing up. Great food, great memories. Thank you so much for sharing this.

emilyclare said...

Oh it looks delicious Joyful!

Joyful said...

@Katy, I know just exactly what you mean. This way of eating resonates with me as well and brings back fond memories of eating family meals together.

Joyful said...

@Windhover, thank you for stopping by and thank you for your kind words. Very high praise given I know what you are capable of in the cooking department :-)

Katy ~ said...

Gosh that looks good!! I must make that. So many nice fresh vegetables in there, with a nice lean pork. Excellent!

Joyful said...

Hi dear Joyful, thank you popping over ! well yes...i guess blogger is having a bad cold..I can't see your pic either and from reading the recipe, it sounds so yummy!! I was about to post about our sunday lunch too..well it will wait until tomorrow..
Have a great monday !!

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