Monday, October 4, 2010

My Two Loaves

Monday was a coolish day for most of the morning and for part of the afternoon it threatened to rain. After disinfecting the kitchen, washing the floors, doing a few loads of laundry and running errands, I felt like making bread.

I got what looked like a great recipe from Rhonda's blog, if you do stuff, stuff gets done. Rhonda learned how to bake bread from her grandpa.

 Grandpa's Bread
2 cups warm water
1 package yeast (I googled this and it is 2 1/4 tsps. of yeast per pkg. in NA)
1 t salt
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
about 6 cups of flour

Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm water. Then stir in the salt, oil and most of the flour. (I used about 5 cups out of the 6 before my mixture got too thick). Mix well, then knead until you have a smooth dough. Let dough rise in an oiled bowl, covered with a clean kitchen towel, until at least double in size. Punch down. Divide in 2. Shape into loaves and place in greased bread pans.
Let rise again, until at least double.
Bake at 375 for 35-45 minutes.

Here are what my two loaves look like. Yum!

I got a fairly late start on the bread so while it was rising, I watched my favourite television program, "Dancing with the Stars" and began work on another knitted dishcloth. It's been awhile since I've made any dishcloths so I had to refresh my memory!

 For some fabulous scenery shots taken Sunday, click here. You can also join others here for My World Tuesday.


Indrani said...

Wow! You got them perfect. :)

Short poems said...

Great post... lovely blog!
Your two loaves look like...... Yummmyyyyyyyy

magiceye said...


Joyful said...

Indrani, you know how to pay a compliment :-) Thank you for visiting my blog.

Short poems, thank you for your visit and I agree the bread looks yummy, lol. I have Rhonda's recipe to thank.

magiceye, I tasted the bread and it was very good. It was the first time I made this recipe.

Anonymous said...


Jan said...

Such perfect loaves, you must have been so pleased with them.
Blessings - Jan

Noel Morata said...


these look great and what a nice quiet way to enjoy your world and show it...i would love to taste it though :)

affectioknit said...

That looks delicious and such a simple recipe - I'll have to try that!

BraCom said...

looks very good, nice photos

Have a nice week,
Greetings, Bram

My Word Tuesday post

Seen on My World Tuesday

Rhonda said...

My Grandpa would be so pleased and I am very flattered you tried our recipe.
yours looks so pretty and I hope you enjoyed the bread. Try some for your morning toast too.

Joyful said...

LADYFI, it was delicious :-)

JAN, as this was my first time making this recipe I was very pleased with them though my dough doesn't seem to rise as much as Rhonda's.

NOEL, thank you for your kind comments. It's too bad they haven't yet invented the ability to smell through the computer. Or perhaps they have but haven't told us yet! LOL

TERESA, it is a simple recipe indeed and I'm sure your loaves would turn our perfectly ;-)

BRAM, thank you for the compliment and for your visit. I will take a boo over at your blog (if I haven't already).

RHONDA, thank you again for sharing your recipe. It was really simple and very tasty.

Joyful said...

That looks delicious and such a simple recipe - I'll have to try that!

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