Tuesday, March 8, 2011

An Update on the Medical Mercy Mission to Save Kigen's Life

Yesterday I posted a very short update here about little Kigen the boy we met on a mercy mission of food aid to the Pokot.  I then went to sleep and when I awoke I had this comprehensive update from Jonah about how things are progressing with Kigen's care.

As you read the update I think you will be so moved and touched.  You will that God is in this work and He is answering prayer.  I thank each and every one of you,  for your concern for this little boy Kigen and for your part in prayer and giving.

Jonah and little Kigen's family arrived in Eldoret and went straight away to the hospital.

Driving to the hospital in Eldoret.
The hospital signage is in sight.

At last they are at the hospital.

Jonah takes a photo to commemorate this trip.

Now here is the update from Jonah.

It is me again just wanting to praise God for His faithfulness.  My heart is now 'free'.  I can now eat a bit as I know Kigen is in the doctor's hands and in God's hands as well.

This bag was donated to Kigen's mother on the streets of Eldoret.

I also want to thank God for the bag that was donated (blue one in photo) by people in the streets of Eldoret. We had realized that Kigen's mother came on the journey with an old bag, so we decided to buy her a new one.  Instead, it was given to us for free!  In addition, close to 500 Kenyan shillings was donated right there on the streets for this boy and his mum.  God really works wonders.

It was a more touching moment for me as I felt God was telling me "I will take care of this situation" and I felt really that I am just a tool/ instrument to be used for God's purpose.  The doctors too were so kind.  We did not even queue! [If you know Africa, you know what this means].  We were welcome everywhere we went and I must praise God for that.

Little Kigen being escorted by the nurse.

What is next now is that Kigen was given a dressing up by the doctors and is awaiting surgery (if I understood what they said well).  He will need three practitioners or doctors to be able to treat him.  First will be the one's to deal with the skin (there is a scientific name for it), those to deal with eyes, and another part, I forget but I guess general health.

The doctors here were so much touched too with the amount of courage the boy has.  They were saying that they are seeing for the first time, something they were just reading in the books when they were in medical school.

The boy Kigen is upbeat, and he raises our hopes for his health.  His younger  brother too is here with us.  He was not feeling well, too.  So he is here for check up; especially for his eyes.  He kept asking for him [his older brother Kigen] when they were with different practitioners.

We did mention to him [Kigen] of the many people praying and supporting him for his medical needs.  He said he is so much grateful and "TOROROT: (Pokot for God Bless you abundantly".)

Thanks so much again

You can donate to assist in little Kigen's medical mission. 
Donations can be made via Pay Pal here. Just click the donate button.

Click on the badge to join others in their worlds.

Photo credits:  All photos the property of Jonah at Missions of Hope.
If you wish to share this story, photos may be used with credit. Many thanks and blessings.


Jo said...

Oh praise God, Penny and Jonah. Wow, God is moving people all over, even in the streets of Eldoret. I would like to link this post of yours to a follow-up post I did (mine only appears tomorrow morning) Thanks Jonah, thanks to the hospital staff who seem so gentle with this little boy and thanks to Kigen for being so courageous. Thank you Penny for your ongoing and tireless assistance in this case. God bless you for it. Till later, Jo

Joyful said...

Hi Jo, yes Praise to God and amen. Love it if you would link this post. Thanks for all your help too. God is moving mountains on behalf of this boy and using Jonah and all of us to help. Bless you xx

SandyCarlson said...

So much work to be done. Thank God for the wonderful people in this world who do good.

Kay L. Davies said...

I am so grateful Jo led me to Penny, and I learned about Jonah, and now, so quickly Kigen is in the hospital.
I'm grateful I was able to send money last night, and I am looking forward to further updates about Kigen from Jonah via Penny and then to Jo and to me.
Kay, Alberta, Canada

Stewart M said...

Just a bit different from pictures of butterflies.

Hope the modern medicine can help the boy - I think it’s his best hope.

Stewart M - Australia

Kilauea Poetry said...

This is touching.as well as her receiving a new bag like that.. good you included a photo of Jonah too with the update. Gee, its like step by step and it was encouraging how essential they find it is to rely on God..(as he mentioned he was just a tool).So Kigen's younger brother was asking for him? (how sweet). Well, this was moving- thanks..I'll be by to check on you later (big hug)

Kilauea Poetry said...

I know what I wanted to say..so both of them are experiencing of an eye problem? I'm curious as to what the doctors will be doing..anyway, till later-:)

Melanie said...

I am truly touched by this story of Kigen. I hope and pray he gets better soon.

Yoshi said...

It is touching story and thanks for updating. I hope he will be better soon.
All the best,

Jose and Zulma Renteria said...

We found out about Kigen through Becka Shae's FB and we were moved. We prayed about it and me and my wife donated. We were moved to tears and are glad God is answering the prayers of all of those praying for Kigen and his family. Jonah is an amazing man used by God.

genie said...

This story is so heart touching...and I am sure there are hundreds more like this little boy who need medical help soon. We do not know how fortunate we are until we see something tragic like this. Thank you for all of your efforts.

Al said...

Good news, and hopefully things will turn out well for him.

Joyful said...

Sandy, thanks for your visit and your words.

Joyful said...

Kay, I'm so thankful that Jo told you about Kigen's mission and I'm thankful for your support. xx

Joyful said...

Stewart, yes very different from butterflies but still a beautiful creation of God ;-)

Joyful said...

KP, thanks for coming by to get the update. It is amazing how God is working and it is all through prayer.

Joyful said...

Melanie, thank you so much for your prayers. xx

Joyful said...

Y. Ikeda, thank you for your kind concern for Kigen. It means so much.

Joyful said...

Jose and Zulma, thank you for listening to the spirit of God and thank you for your kindness. I pray God's favour upon you and that He would direct you in every step.

Joyful said...

Genie, yes it is a good reminder to us all to be grateful for what we have. Moreso, it is a reminder to extend a helping hand in gratitude for not being in the same need.

Joyful said...

Al, we have a long way to go yet to raise all the funds needed but we are praying and believing. I'm so grateful for the opportunity that we could help this little boy and that we were able to get him to the doctor. Both he and his little brother need care and they live so far from medical help.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing for that little boy.

Kristin said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. What a wonderful thing to do for that little boy. It was heart touching and warming. .. and I really agree with you. God really do wonders. May the little be blessed with good health and I wish he would have a speedy recover.

Pat said...

I too praise God for the many people who have worked and given toward the medical assistance that Kigen is getting at last. What a precious little boy and a precious pastor, Jonah. Thank you for all these posts about the condition of Kigen and the help he is getting, Penny. I found your blog through Jo's blog, Memorable Meanders.

Joyful said...

Wren, the little boy is special. There is something about him that causes us to pluck him from out of so many that have needs. For whatever purpose, God seems to have a plan for him.

Joyful said...

Kristen, thank you for your visit and your kind words. Please continue to pray that we would be able to meet all his needs.

Joyful said...

Pat, thank you so much for taking the time to come over from my friend Jo's blog and read about Kigen. I am grateful we have been able to get him to a doctor and grateful for Jonah's kind heart in doing what needs to be done for this little one. If you believe in prayer, I ask you to continue to pray for this situation, for the treatment, the recovery and the needs involved.

Joyful said...

Pat, thank you so much for taking the time to come over from my friend Jo's blog and read about Kigen. I am grateful we have been able to get him to a doctor and grateful for Jonah's kind heart in doing what needs to be done for this little one. If you believe in prayer, I ask you to continue to pray for this situation, for the treatment, the recovery and the needs involved.

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