Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hello Tuesday!

The church steeple has been under construction for a very long time; at least a year or more. They moved the steeple from one corner to the other, raised it by several feet and added light to the cross so that it shines in the night.

The cross has not been lit up all week and I was wondering why.
Perhaps it just needed some bulbs or something.

Whatever the case, it is illuminated once again.

I like looking at the cross light up against the night sky.  I also like seeing the lights on the ski slopes.

After what seems like a very long and cold winter, the sun has returned and warmer temperatures are here.
 Spring is definitely in the air this week.


I've been keeping busy assessing my mother's transition to the new care home and providing feedback to the facility.  This will be an annual process and our one big opportunity to make important changes if needed so I've been stressed about making sure I give the right messages without seeming like we are complaining.  Today was the day for giving informal feedback and the official meeting will be in another few weeks. The official record becomes a government record so I guess they don't want any surprises.  The feedback seemed well received and I am happy with the outcomes.

Mom is much happier where she is now.  Though of course there is never perfection, things are definitely a lot better than where she used to be.  The care is much better and more consistent. What a relief!

I've also been identifying some of mom's new needs. She is in a smaller space and believe it or not the needs she has are greater as we try to figure out ways to ensure she has access to key things. Other than that I've been busy making her appointments for personal grooming and adapting some of her clothing.


On the home front, I'm finally feeling just a wee bit better after weeks of feeling oh so tired. I've been doing a bit of cooking, a lot of laundry, a little reading and a lot of errands. I've also had another appointment with the foot care nurse over the ingrown nails. It will likely take another few months before we conclude whether the nails are going to grow properly or not. I sure hope they do.
Outside, it is time for the garden debris to be cleared away.  This is my least favourite job of all time but it must be done.

Inside, it is also time to do some Spring decluttering.

I read a few interesting books in case you are interested.

The Jane Austen Marriage Manual
(A thrift store find).

In Kim Izzo's novel, Kate loses her job and her grandmother at the same time. On top of that she loses the family home due to her mother's gambling debts. It sets her on a course to find a rich husband using the methodology of her favourite author, Jane Austen. This book is light reading and while it isn't the best book in the world, it certainly isn't the worst. I found it a nice distraction from the deeper cares of the week. It isn't too heavy to carry around when you are out and about in case you have time to read when you are running errands.

The other book I read is by an African author who now lives and works as a professor at the University of Kent in the UK.

(Another thrift store find).

Paradise is a tale about 12 year old Yusuf, who is sold into slavery in repayment of his father's debt. It is difficult to know the location of the story as it is never made clear.  It might be Tanzania but it could also be Kenya as there are numerous references to Kenyan coastal cities. This poignant story follows the young Yusuf over a period of about 6 years through his various adventures and the twists and turns in his life. It is an interesting look into pre-colonial Africa.

I am now reading a few different books.

The Signature of All Things
I borrowed this book from the library.

Radiance of Tomorrow
This one is for my personal library.
Radiance of Tomorrow is the second book by Ishmael Beah.  Ishmael is a young man who overcame the nightmare of being a child soldier in Sierra Leone. He now lives in the USA and is an author.  He also does work with the United Nations to raise the awareness of the plight of child soldiers. 


I know the snow is still falling in central Canada and other parts of North America.

I hope there will be relief for you soon.

Our World Tuesday Graphic


Joy said...

It is nice to see the church steeple a bit closer and also the ski slopes, how lovely that they are lit up too! I bet it felt strange when the lights were out on the steeple?
Glad to hear that everything is sounding a lot more settled and secure for your Mum - it's been a rough trot for you both, no wonder you have been so tired. All the best with all the appointments, and I do hope your toe nails are going to be okay! Happy reading Joyful, and peaceful relaxing times! Hugs, Joy xo

Jo said...

Great that there's a lit star on the steeple now, Penny! You are a daughter in a thousand to care for and about your dear mum so well. I hope you're regaining some energy now. I wasted the first three weeks of my return to Mwadui feeling absolutely lethargic and miserable. Praise God that I've snapped out of the doldrums now. I was reading about the Marriage Manual and wanted to go and find it on my Kindle, when I saw the book Paradise on your post. I have read so many reviews and ads about this book and wondered if it would be worth the read. Now I'm convinced and will see if it's on my Kindle or buy it in SA when we next go out. Have a great day, dear friend. (((Hugs))) Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots. I'm also reading The Signature of All Things - and am really enjoying it.

Joanne Noragon said...

One of the churches in town had a fundraising drive to replace the very old steeple. The new steeple sat in the side yard for quite some time while a crane and a crew took down the old one, then raised the new one. All very interesting.

Cynthia said...

The new steeple and lit cross look beautiful. I'm waiting for the Melissa Gilbert book from the library, but there are many holds ahead of me. I hope it's worth the wait!

Margie said...

Beautiful shots.
I am so glad to hear your mom is happier now and doing better.
Thanks for sharing about the books.

Elisabeth said...

Hi Penny, thank you for sharing all the beautiful photos, and I'm so glad as well, that your mom is happier and doing better! I also borrowed the Elizabeth Gilbert...The Signature of All Things book...from my daughter just yesterday! Can't wait to read it! xo

stardust said...

The bright cross on top of the steeple would shine over the world in the dark and it must be wonderful feeling to glide down the skiing slopes at such a height overlooking the city. Moving is so tiring as lots of errands involved, but all seem to be well. I’m happy for you that your mom feel better and happier at the new place. Hope your ingrown toenails be improved sooner.


Jan said...

Wow I love that cross lit up in the sky, so beautiful in it's simplicity. All of those books look so interesting and I am sure I will enjoy each one for different reasons so thank you. Adding them to my list right now.

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