Monday, September 29, 2014


Some of my readers may have heard about some key resource developments in this part of the world.

One of them is the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project which would see the construction of twin pipelines from Bruderheim, Alberta to Kitimaat, British Columbia.

This project was proposed in the mid -2000s and has been postponed several times. The project proposal was submitted to the National Energy Board in 2010.  It was accepted by the federal government in June 2014 and here are hundreds of issues that must be addressed during the next phase of development.

There are several competing projects.

Kinder Morgan, a US based company has a proposal to expand Trans Mountain Pipeline, which runs from Strathcona County, Alberta to Burnaby, British Columbia. This project would see a tripling of the company's capacity to transport oil and if approved is expected to be operational in 2017. The weird part is that building is going on to accommodate the increased capacity even though the approval hasn't been given. It makes me cynical about the process since I don't think a company would spend this kind of money if they didn't feel they would get approval.

The other project is is Trans Canada Keystone XL pipeline, a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline beginning in Hardisty, Alta., and extending south to Steele City, Neb.

The oil would be piped through Canada but on it's way to other markets including the USA.

With all these resource projects in development added to ones like the Alberta Tar Sands project it is no wonder that people are concerned about detrimental environmental impacts.

The peaceful protect was overseen by the police and the protesters shut down the gas station for about 4-5 hours on Saturday passed. You can see the pink bands around the gas pump while people stand around talking, playing music and dancing in solidarity.  This was a relatively small protest.  There have been other protests on the related issues and I'm sure many more protests to come as people demonstrate their opposition to the resource development projects.


Anonymous said...

We should be looking for renewable sources of energy.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

All these things need to be discussed thoroughly because there are ramifications to both doing and not doing the projects. Even renewable has consequences. Here in Oklahoma we have many huge wind farms. They are very ugly and they kill thousands of migratory birds and even some bald eagles.

Gattina said...

Wow these are real big projects !

Rajesh said...

Interesting information.

MadSnapper said...

there is a lot of controversy here in the USA about the pipe line, i am not near it but have seen it on TV several times.

TexWisGirl said...

i do not believe that once the tar sands crude makes it down to the texas gulf to be refined that it won't simply be sold to international buyers and shipped out - not used in n. america at all. the only 'job' benefit is temporary to put in the pipelines. the money all goes to enbridge and other partners.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes---there is a lot of 'discussion' here in the USA because of the Keystone Pipeline... Some people have very definite opinions about this --and there are no easy answers when it comes to our energy in the future. Everyone wants to protect the environment --yet nobody (especially those with small incomes or fixed incomes) wants to pay the huge difference we would have to pay when it comes to our heating/cooling/utilities... It's kinda like saying: "I like that 'idea' --just don't put it in MY backyard"...... OR "Great idea as long as I don't have to pay for it."

I don't see any easy answers ---but there are TONS of opinions.

Good Luck.

Unknown said...

Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Thank you for all the information on these projects. It interests me that we do not see much about some of these projects down here in Seattle. I guess our news outlets are fairly typical in focusing mostly on what’s going on right around us, but we really need to know more about our region. When I think about Vancouver, I realize, of course, that it is on the other side of a line on a map that defines an international border. But I also realize that we are, in a global sense, almost in the same spot. Down here there is similar concern about the trains carrying oil right through downtown Seattle … some of that oil has proven to have quite explosive characteristics. There is also a project that would increase the number of coal trains moving though our city on the way to a possible new facility that would allow increased shipments to Asia. I share your skepticism about the way these projects seem to move ahead despite concerns … it seems like the bottom line is the power of money. Thanks again for sharing the information and your photos. Another week has almost gone by so I will wish you a fine weekend ahead. I really enjoy SNAP THAT. John

Awesome Needles said...

thank you for your comment in my blog, and thank you too for the information. Regards

Jan said...

That's really interesting. I will read some more about the protests. These big decisions have to be considered carefully.

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Just a thank you for your comments on John's Island and following along on the voyage up to Alaska. I wonder if you enjoy travelling and, if so, what locations are on your list of places to see? Have a good weekend. John

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