Thursday, September 15, 2016

Interesting Skies Before Fall Arrives

I captured this interesting series of sky photos with my cell phone a few days ago.

I haven't been out with my camera lately so have had to rely on my smartphone.
I need to try and make some time to get out with the camera but the days seem so busy.
September is fully booked with errands, appointments and things that really need to get done.

Then it will be October and Thanksgiving which comes a bit early (it seems) but it is always on the 2nd Monday of October.
A friend will be visiting from Toronto, Ontario and has offered to make the dinner.
He is a great cook who once owned his own restaurant so it is no sweat for him to do so.

 Many people have a day off work on the second Monday of October. They often use the three-day Thanksgiving weekend to visit family or friends who live far away, or to receive them in their own homes. Many people also prepare a special meal to eat at some point during the long weekend. Traditionally, this included roast turkey and seasonal produce, such as pumpkin, corn ears and pecan nuts. Now, the meal may consist of other foods, particularly if the family is of non-European descent.

My friend will also be visiting several other of his friends in the City and staying with each of us for a night or two. Though he has offered to make the meal things might change at the last minute so I need to be ready to step in.

I always enjoy Thanksgiving as a day to give thanks for my many blessings.

What about you dear reader?
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
If so, how do you celebrate?

I am joining in with Skywatch Friday 
this week.
Thank you for dropping by and paying me a visit.
Enjoy your weekend.


John's Island said...

Hello Joyful, I enjoyed your sky photos. I am smiling because you are already planning out October. You are way ahead of most in that respect! Here at John's Island :-) I am getting behind with posts for September. You mentioned your friend from Toronto owned a restaurant at one time. That reminded me of one of my most favorite of all restaurants, North 44 in Toronto. It has been several years since I visited Toronto but the memory of the wonderful meal I had at North 44 always stays with me. I wonder if you have been there? To answer your question, Yes, we celebrate Thanksgiving with the traditional turkey meal. You mentioned that the second Monday seems a bit early for celebrating Thanksgiving, and by the same token, the 3rd Thursday, in the USA, seems a bit late. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving already! Have a great weekend, Joyful!

affectioknit said...

Beautiful...the trees are just starting to turn here...and we're all looking forward to cooler weather...

~Have a lovely day!

betty-NZ said...

Skies are so diverse, even from hour to hour! What great captures.

Breathing In Grace said...

Our Thanksgiving in the states is the third Thursday in November....and the next day is known as Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. We're hoping to get a TV at a good price that day. We usually celebrate Thanksgiving at the home of my hubby's brother. There's 8 siblings in his family and it's a huge gathering when we all get together! Thanks so much for linking up with me photos are some of my favorites!

Lady Fi said...

Love those small puffy clouds.

Visits With Mary said...

Clouds are always beautiful, I love them! Thanksgiving is always spent with family.

Joanne Noragon said...

I find life is excluding my camera these days, too, and am thankful for my phone.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Love your clouds...Isn't God's artwork in the sky just amazing? Wow! Thinking of Thanksgiving already...I know in Canada it is in October, but in the states in November. I am just trying to get ready for fall itself right Florida it isn't as big of an event as up north...but I love it when the air gets a little cooler and the humidity drops. Something to be very thankful for indeed.

Summer said...

Ahhh Beautiful skies! Thanks for the photos ♥

Melanie said...

Beautiful sky photos! Our skies looked like that one day a couple of weeks ago, with the clouds looking like cotton balls. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. Hopefully, my daughter and SIL will be visiting from Colorado. Have a great weekend.

Photo Cache said...

Amen to Lady Fi's comment.

Worth a Thousand Words

Karen said...

I love to watch the sky changing constantly at sunset. Thanks for sharing your photos.

annie said...

Marvellous photos, enjoying them all. Cell phones are so handy for great photos!

Nonnie said...

I love sky pics. I need to check out Skywatch.
It gave me a start to read Thanksgiving is coming early - the second week of October! What? Then I realized you are in Canada. We have thanksgiving the 4th Thursday of November. Turkey, cornbread dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, green beans, rolls, pumpkin and pecan pies, and football. Dallas Cowboys!

Jeanna said...

Good phone shots, some nice perspective. I'm getting better about taking my camera even if I don't use it.

Jeanie said...

How lucky you are to have a restauranteur prepare you Thanksgiving dinner! As you know, ours isn't till late November. I wish it was earlier to take better advantage of a long weekend when the weather is more likely to be good. Our plans change as the kids grow and have their families. Last year the young marrieds hosted two (of three) sets of parents -- the others live too far away, on the weekend after and our TG was quiet and with friends. Who knows what this year will bring!

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