Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Mid-January Update

Happy Tuesday everyone. I hope your week is going well.

I'm still taking things a bit slowly, doing my household routines and enjoying a bit of television and reading. The quiet suits me. 

I've also been a bit busy with the Kenyan missions following up on a few women we've been helping including Rose who had a baby not quite 2 weeks ago and Janet who opened her small hair shop.

I also have friends in Kenya who've lost loved ones due to Covid recently. I'm praying for them during these difficult times. Pastor Jonah will be heading to Kericho from Nakuru today (Wednesday Kenyan time) to deal with land business. Long ago I posted about the widow we were helping obtain Letters of Administration from the Kenyan courts so that she could administer the estate of her late husband who died intestate (without a will). I think it was early December when the court granted the order and since then we've been undergoing the legal process to register land titles for the land (the primary asset in the estate) and that process is nearing completion. Land title deeds will provide some safety and security for the beneficiaries. Jonah will also be attending the funerals of the fathers of two men he graduated with from Bible College. Sadly, they have died of Covid and one of the sons has had to fly in from the USA to lay his father to rest. Please pray for everyone to keep safe during their travels and funeral attendance. 

My reading has slowed from last year. This is a conscious decision so that I can focus on other things, spend more time reading the scriptures and rest more.  Of course I'll always have a book handy because reading g books just comes so naturally 

The collage shows the books I'm currently reading. I also have an ebook I forgot to include in the photo. 

Dinner tonight is something I usually make during cold winter months: roasted potatoes, onions, carrots, celery, cabbage and beef sausages. Coleslaw was served along with it and it hit the spot. Last night we had chicken and rice soup. The chicken was leftover from the roasted chicken and greens we had on Sunday. Wednesday I have to go out so we'll have chicken cordon blue from the frozen food section and I'll make a nice green salad to go with it.  It feels nice to have the dinner menu sorted ahead of time and to make a plan to use leftovers to avoid food waste as much as possible.

My play plans tonight include making good progress on finishing Portrait of a Scotsman. Enjoy your day or evening wherever you are in the world. 


Jeanie said...

It sounds very cozy, Penny. And tasty, too! As you probably know from my recent post, people close to me have been dealing with Covid with varying degrees of success. Me? I'm staying in.

Joyful said...

Yes I read that Jeanie, I'm glad you're staying in. I'm trying to do the same.

Red said...

Hey, you're reading Arctic Man! How do you like it?

Joyful said...

Hi Red, I looked for the book upon your recommendation but I haven't gotten into reading it yet.

Rhodesia said...

COVID in Africa is very distressing, so many still have not been vaccinated. Two of our friends from South Africa have sadly passed on.
Glad to hear that you are still well and that you are taking things quietly.
Keep safe and have a good weekend. Diane

Joyful said...

Yes, it is distressing. Many countries were slow to begin vaccinations. I'm sure you know all about it. Thankfully many of the peopke I know are now getting vaccinated but public information and education is lacking. I'm still trying to keep socially distant but probably not as much as I should when I get to my errands. I'm grateful to be fully vaccinated and make sure I don't socialuze.

Joyful said...

I've just started both books. I like the John Lennon book because there are very short chapters and it's well written. I also like Arctic Man which gives fascinating insight life in the far north but the book is not as well laid out.

Lowcarb team member said...

Your dinner sounds tasty for a cooler/cold day and the Arctic Man Book looks interesting, a different read.

Stay safe and well.

All the best Jan

Joyful said...

Thank you Jan. Dinner is great for a cold day. The book is very interesting and the way of life depicted in it is a way of life gone by so I'm glad the author wrote it when he did. Stay safe too.

Practical Parsimony said...

Your meal looks like my soup.

Jan said...

Sounds like a lovely winter dish and I will be trying it though maybe with vegetarian sausages. We will see. I am sorry to hear of the sad events happening for your friends in Kenya and the loss of their loved ones from covid. Sending blessings and love.

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