Showing posts with label Spring plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring plans. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2025

The Windy Month ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we try to have fun answering questions about various subjects.

March, they say, comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  It is called the windy month like Chicago is called the windy city!

1.  Has March come in like a lion or a lamb in your neck of the woods? 

I can barely remember back to the beginning of March and I didn't take any outdoor photos at the time. After thinking about it for a while, I recall the temperature was feeling a bit warmer but the night hours were quite chilly.  So the month came in like a lamb.

2. There have been some awful storms of late.  Have you suffered through them or have you ever suffered through a very bad storm in your life? (if so we wish you well).

The last bad storm I was in was about 3 or 4 years ago. The city traffic came to a grinding halt due to a snowstorm.  It snowed for hours and hours non-stop.  There was so much snow and it was very slippery. I still remember walking down the street to get home when the buses were not operating. There were a lot of other people walking and we saw so many cars and buses just abandoned in the middle of the streets. I took photos but I guess I never uploaded them so unfortunately I can't share them with you.

3. Spring begins March 20th and ends with summer on June 20th this year.  Any plans for Spring in general? How about the spring holidays? 

I'm looking forward to spring.  I have no plans to go away for spring break which starts today (Monday, March 17, 2025).  Spring is always a busy time as I have a lot of jobs that accumulate around the house over the winter and I have the patio to organize and plant.  Last, but not least, I have to do the planting at the community garden plot. 

4.  What are your favorite springtime flowers?  Trees or shrubs?
How about a song with a springtime theme to it that you enjoy?  

I don't have favourite spring time flowers. I love them all, lol. I usually plant a lot of geraniums and petunias as well as pansies and Black Eyed Susans.  I've also tried to plant many other taller flowers like snapdragons and others which haven't tended to do well in my garden.  Perhaps I'll try again because the soil has been completely changed out. 

Fall 2024, the new garden, not quite finished

As for trees, I like Dogwood Trees, Maple Trees and Weeping Willows best but love almost all trees too.   My patio garden area has been completely rebuilt and I now have to replant it.  Large trees with big root systems are no longer allowed.  I'll plant some shorter bushes instead.  I've chosen some Azalea Japonicas and a Pieres Japonica or a Lily of the Valley shrub.  Both types of shrubs grow quite slowly.

Pieres Japonica, Red Head (not mine)

The only springtime song that comes to mind is "When it's Springtime in Alaska" by Johnny Horton. I'm a northern gal so country songs and songs about the north are appealing. This song should make all the southerners be grateful for their warmer temperatures *smile.

The Windy Month ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we try to have fun answering questions about various subjects. March, they say, comes in ...