Showing posts with label my world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my world. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Two Loaves

Monday was a coolish day for most of the morning and for part of the afternoon it threatened to rain. After disinfecting the kitchen, washing the floors, doing a few loads of laundry and running errands, I felt like making bread.

I got what looked like a great recipe from Rhonda's blog, if you do stuff, stuff gets done. Rhonda learned how to bake bread from her grandpa.

 Grandpa's Bread
2 cups warm water
1 package yeast (I googled this and it is 2 1/4 tsps. of yeast per pkg. in NA)
1 t salt
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
about 6 cups of flour

Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm water. Then stir in the salt, oil and most of the flour. (I used about 5 cups out of the 6 before my mixture got too thick). Mix well, then knead until you have a smooth dough. Let dough rise in an oiled bowl, covered with a clean kitchen towel, until at least double in size. Punch down. Divide in 2. Shape into loaves and place in greased bread pans.
Let rise again, until at least double.
Bake at 375 for 35-45 minutes.

Here are what my two loaves look like. Yum!

I got a fairly late start on the bread so while it was rising, I watched my favourite television program, "Dancing with the Stars" and began work on another knitted dishcloth. It's been awhile since I've made any dishcloths so I had to refresh my memory!

 For some fabulous scenery shots taken Sunday, click here. You can also join others here for My World Tuesday.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Slippers in My World

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Yesterday I was practising knitting a sleeping sock to wear instead of slippers.  But I got frustrated. No matter what I did, I kept goofing on my rib stitch pattern. After many tries, I gave up for the time being. I need to be able to concentrate on the stitches more so will wait until I am better rested.  This photo shows my progress to a certain point n the sock, but I've since unravelled it all and will try again another day.

Today I tried a new pattern for slippers rather than socks. This one requires me to cast on stitches in the middle of a project so I had to figure out how to do that. It took me awhile to find a satisfactory method and I can now do it! Yeah! But I will have to work on the actual knitting with more care. I made a model of it just so I know how the whole thing goes together.

Next, I will now focus on making this slipper and making the purled seams properly as well as the ribbing at the toe. This is a great little slipper; a classic pattern and once I get the hang of it, I can make it in several different sizes for the Kenyan orphans with the Missions of Hope.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Before and After Doily ~ My World Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My World today is not an outdoor view but an indoor view of a quiet indoor activity. I've been working on a crocheted doily this week and I finished it in the wee hours of this morning. I should have finished it earlier in the day but wasn't up to much crochet until I had a nap. I picked it up around midnight and played with it off and on.

This is a photo taken about half way through the doily pattern.

I am not 100% sure if I followed the pattern correctly as it seems I had to do a little improvising on the last row but it looks fine to me with the minor changes. You might be able to see there are 6 large and 6 small pineapple motifs in this Pineapple Blossom pattern.  I chose to make this pattern out of the printed patterns I have because it is a larger than normal doily. Here is the book I got the pattern from if you'd like to make it yourself.  If you would like an easier Pineapple Blossom pattern, I found a free one here.

These photos taken after completion.

Now I will wash and block the doily and hopefully that process will flatten out the ruffles. I will update this blog post by adding a photo of the blocked doily when it is ready.

Please click here to see more wonderful people, places and things from around the world.


Here is a photo of the blocked doily drying on a towel.  The colour looks different from the doily in the photos above but this latest shot is the true colour. I'm happy to report that after washing and gently stretching the doily into shape, the ruffles in the doily are largely gone and the doily measures exactly 18 inches in diameter. That means my tension was perfect as indicated in the pattern.  My second doily in the same pattern is going much smoother now that I am somewhat familiar with the design.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Another Sunrise ~ My World Tuesday

All week I have had difficulties sleeping. I go to sleep but wake up all night long. I don't sleep well at the best of times but this week was the worst in awhile. I pulled an all nighter last night.  Since I was awake at sunrise I took some photos.

I never cease to be in awe of a beautiful sunrise or sunset.  I also love all of natural creation and any living or growing thing. I know that's a lot but I simply love God's creation.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My World Tuesday ~ A Walk on Cambie

Sunday night was a loud night of rattling winds and rain. Monday morning it poured torrential rains and after it stopped, I thought it was safe to go out for a walk and errands. I got caught in the rain and more wind and was a bit chilled despite having 3/4 length sleeves on my sweater and my jacket but I pressed on and managed to get everything done that I had set out to do.  I also managed to get some beautiful photos.

Most of these snapshots were taken on Cambie Street.  The street under which the new rapid transit and subway links the Vancouver International Airport to Downtown Vancouver. Though the train opened in October 2009, I still haven't even had a chance to ride it.  I am hoping to get out to the airport well before I travel again by plane.

Here is a little peek down a side street.

I thought this tree showed off the lovely blooming green leaves.

In this photo you can see the clouds parted and the blue sky peeked out for a bit.

The gate at this house was just too cute to pass by without taking a photo. I wonder if the husband of the household gifted his wife with this gate on Valentine's Day? I think that would be a romantic thing to do.

At this time of the season I am pleased to find blossoms on trees and this Magnolia was no exception. Isn't it pretty?  Even the carpet of fallen leaves is so pretty. The rose bush was also a delightful find.

These next photos capture some of the buildings in the neighbourhood. They are taken to show others around the world what it looks like here. If one has never been to a place, one is often curious about what it looks like. Even if you have visited a place, I find that in this day of rapid development, things don't stay the same for long.

The Park in the background is a Vancouver institution and one of the old style movie theatres in the city.

In the photo above there is a tall building in the background with a circular top. It is the Harbour Center. Read about it here.

I end this tour with a panorama of the city skyline.


As you can see, the sky above is still very menacing but I'm happy to report that the rain held off until I finished my errands and returned home. I was very glad of that since I was laden with bags and very tired.


Addendum: LV over at kindly posted this award for me today. I think it is a cool award and it glady accept it because that is what I try to do with my blogs; bring a little ray of sunshine (and it doesn't ask me to do anything *smile).

Tuesday 4 ~ Books

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 . Books are such a big part of many people's lives. Maybe we should talk about that. 1. Do y...