Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Weather is Changing

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

Happy Friday and best wishes to you wherever you are in the world.

Our weather this week has been a bit cool and overcast. It also rained a bit but today, Thursday, the sun came out and we had a brilliant day. However, as you can see from the first photo we are again expecting some rain. I'm happy there'll also be a bit of sunshine because I'm no where near ready for winter which is when we typically get a lot of rain.

I tried to capture the birds in flight but they are far away.

I never get tired of this view.

I'm also very happy for these trees since I no longer have trees in my garden.

The time was approximately 6:15 p.m.

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.
Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Daily and Weekly Planning for Energy Management

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

How are you all doing? I hope you are well and enjoying the season wherever you are in the world. Here in my city, we are transitioning from summer to fall or autumn season. It happens like clock work every year that I can feel the distinct shift to chilly weather on September 1st.  

This year I felt it a bit earlier but then hot weather returned after that. By the time I post this blog we will be in the midst of 2 days of much cooler weather. When I went out to buy a few grocery items on Monday night, it was spitting a bit of rain.

Anyway, many of you already know that I suffer from a few chronic medical conditions though they are mostly manageable as long as I can keep on top of things and do what I need to do. But you may not know that I also suffer from something called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  It's the one thing that is much harder to manage and there are all kinds of symptoms that can arise as a result of it. 

I have periods where I am feeling reasonable and able to look after what I need to but there are also periods when my energy is very low or virtually non-existent. I've just actually come through a prolonged period where I was feeling reasonable and could do what I planned to do almost every day.  But for the past several weeks I could feel myself veering into a low that I haven't felt in a while. 

I've been trying to pace myself and manage things so that I don't go into a zero energy phase. In that phase it is hard to get out of bed, let alone get up and shower to greet the day.  

Do you or anyone you know also suffer from this?

Here is a simple chart that illustrates some of the myriad symptoms that people with ME/CFS exhibit.

Recently, I started going to a new church that meets at night, not in the morning.  One Sunday I discovered that one of the pastors also has ME/CFS and that's one of the reasons the church gathering is at night and not in the morning.  

I was relieved that she would be able to relate to my symptoms and possible understand why it is difficult for me to fully engage in all that churches do.  Sometimes it's even difficult just to get to church.  Having said that, it is easier to attend night service because it means I have more time to get ready for the day and get going.

I've had ME/CFS now for many years.  It's the primary reason I had to retire from work in 2006, much earlier than I wanted.  

Having this problem changed my life in so many ways and led me to a much more restricted way of life than I had been living before.  My concentrations level was so bad in those days that I couldn't even read a page of a novel. That is what actually led me to start this blog and also to challenge myself to set reading goals.

Happily my concentration is much improved.  But I still go through phases where I can't concentrate enough to read or to write.  Lack of concentration affects my ability to write blog posts or do anything that requires sustained effort.  For example, whenever I write I post, I end up going back to correct it several times after posting because I wasn't able to catch all the mistakes the first time around.  This is rather frustrating and annoying but it isn't the end of the world so I try not to dwell on it. I try to keep my perfectionist tendencies reined in otherwise I'd stop doing a lot of things.  In relation to my reading habit, I've always enjoyed it and now that I set annual reading goals, I read far more than I ever have though there are still periods when I cannot read much at all.  Like right now.

Making appointments in my calendar for everything I do is also helpful. I go to the extent of blocking out all the 'to dos' in the calendar and I try to do this for several weeks in advance. I write things on a wall calendar because then I can see things at a glance and make adjustments if needed.  I've come to know what I can actually accomplish in a given period of time so sometimes I have to make a lot of adjustments when other things crop up that are priorities like lab work and appointments. 

It also takes me far longer to accomplish things than it ever did. It isn't just from growing older. It has more to do with energy levels as a result of illness though I know some of it has to do with aging. I am a young senior, however so I keep on going and don't feel that age is a reason for my limitations at this point.

I would love to get into better routines and meal planning but I'm simply not there yet. I'm not sure if I will ever be because routines and meal planning were never really my thing. The reason I'd like them now is it brings more structure to daily life and getting things done.  It also means I always have something on hand to eat rather than have to worry about having nothing ready when I am not up to cooking. My dear husband is not a cook so I can't really rely on him and I'd rather not have to order take out for all the times I don't feel like cooking.

So lately I've been making a few meals ahead. No more than 2 or 3 items to have in the refrigerator for meal times. While I do have a small freezer, I've found that preparing a few weeks or meals ahead doesn't really work at this point. I may revisit the idea in future.

Here are the foods I cooked this week. They aren't as healthy as I would otherwise make when I have more energy. These foods were largely cooked in the Instant Pot (IP), a lifesaver when one doesn't have much time or energy to make meals.  Food also tastes much more flavourful when cooked in the Instant Pot. Other meals were quickly made on the stove top. 

This week I was proud of myself for making 2 meals without meat though they were not veganized (Taco Soup with Lentils and Garbanzo Bean Soup).  I am going to try to make meatless meals more often because we've been eating far too much beef these past few months.  I was also told by one of my doctors that chicken is not good for my cholesterol levels. We have eaten a lot of chicken in the past.  I've cut way back on chicken but we are having some this week.  I'm also reinstituting more avocados, nuts and olive oil in to our diet and reducing butter and dairy in general though this is harder for me to do. 

Pork roast with root veggies and cabbage

Taco Soup made with lentils instead of beef

Leftover pork and potatoes with scrambled eggs/beans

New pototoes and ground beef with veggies in mushroom sauce

Seasoned roast chicken, cooked in IP & browned in oven

IP Garbanzo and veggie soup in chicken broth

Thank you for reading this far. If you have ME/CFS, I'd love to hear how long you've had it and how you manage it.

Monday, September 9, 2024

September Musings ~ Tuesday 4

September is back to school month and even if you are an adult now, you can usually still recall the back to school days.  It was a new beginning.. sometimes scary, sometimes joyous.  New experiences were awaiting you.
How about now? September is still a new beginning to  the year.  What will it hold for you?

1. As summer's heat fades do you get out and about in nature often ?  Where do you go, what do you do?  What would you like to do?

I get out more in the Fall and Spring than I do in other seasons. Mostly I love to go to places where I can take a walk by the waterfront. I enjoy the photo opportunities at the waterfront.

2. What has changed in your life that you miss/regret the most?

I miss my university days mostly because I had a very active social life and people were more ready to get together for any reason to have a potluck or a dance/fundraiser or to invite one another to their homes for a dinner. These days it's like pulling teeth to get together with anyone and that includes family members. Everyone is so busy and I fall into that category myself. It's sometimes even hard to make phone calls or to receive them but it's important to try and make an effort. At least, I believe it's important. Sadly, not everyone I know agrees with me except for people who are older than me. Perhaps I wouldn't be missing these 'olden' days but a lot of people I know have moved away and haven't kept in touch or they have passed from this life.

3.  Money is no object, nothing stands in your way... are you going to move or stay where you are?

I would be moving within the city but I already know that it would be difficult to find a place that fits my requirements. I'd love a larger space with roof top amenities for gardening and entertaining. I'd also like a building that isn't too high in case of fire and I'd love a view with an apartment that isn't too close to everyone else and has a lot of space, preferably green between buildings. If money was no object, I would also like a cottage getaway at the lake.

4.  How can you improve your life?

That's a good question and I'm not sure I can do more than I'm doing because I work on improving my life each and every year. Right now, it would be nice to finish up the decluttering. Honestly it just seems to go on and on but I can see the endpoint of the main things I'm trying to accomplish. Once I have that done, I will continue making small DIY improvements. All of this is to ensure I have a comfortable space, easier to maintain and more efficient for doing crafts and study.

Joining in with Tuesday 4 this week. Thank you for stopping by! Happy September to you. 🍁🍂🍁

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Autumn Reading ~ Tuesday 4

Autumn Reading

 Happy September friends and welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. 

The Autumnal Equinox is September 21 and it is the actual beginning of Autumn. Many, however, consider Labor Day as the unofficial opening of the Autumn season of the "Ber" Month

1. What's on your reading list for September?

I've got several books on the go for the month. At present I have 4 books at various stages of completion though mostly I've just started on all of them. You can view my last post here where I mention the books I'm currently reading.

2. Does your favourite reading nook look anything like the one in the picture or do you wish it did?

I don't really have a favourite reading nook or a nook at all. I just have a convenient spot on one end of my sofa which is where I sit and also watch television and or knit. I usually take a book with me or have one on my device and read wherever I am and will often stop and have a coffee just so I can read for a bit.I really wish I did have a reading nook like the one in the photo and I may yet have one if and when I ever 'finish' with decluttering and reorganizing.

3. Can you name some books you've read many times?  Do you recommend them?

I don't think I've actually read any book many times (unless you count the Bible) and I can't even recall what few books I've read at least twice though I do recall thinking or wondering why I liked a book so much the first time around.  It didn't seem to great the second time around. 

4.   Which of the classics have you read?  

I've read a number of classics.  Probably too many to mention in full.  Books like Little Women, David Copperfield and several others by Charles Dickens, Moby Dick, Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, To Kill a Mockingbird, Pride & Prejudice and almost all of Jane Austen's other books, Jane Eyre, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, Gone with the Wind, Withering Heights, East of Eden, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Kite Runner, Heart of Darkness, The Alchemist and many more.  For so many years, I did not read the classics unless I had too. Now I have a loose goal to read more (no specific number) and to include them amongst the books I select to read each year. I see some people counted the number of classics they've read. That's a great idea and I should go back and do the same!

I've also read many books that are not considered classics. I just love to read and challenge myself each year to read more than one a month. I also love to read the Bible and reading it from one cover to the next in chronological order as presented has been quite interesting, informative and inspirational.

Life Update

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all well and fine. I'm still keeping busy here at the homestead. This will be a long post so settle in with a refreshing drink and relax awhile.


I saw that the building contractors seemed to have packed up and finished with their patio reconstruction. However there was an issue I had been raising with them all summer to no avail. Apparently they said it was due to the instructions they had received from the engineers. I kept trying anyway. Once they completed the work but still hadn't dealt with my issue (actually an issue for most of the owners but no one else seems to have raised it), I called the building management company and explained the situation. The management then spoke to the engineer and I couldn't believe that within the hour, the contractors were here having a look at the issue and brainstorming how to resolve it. We just had a long weekend so no work happened until today but I am pleased the work was done. It isn't perfect but it is much better than it was and I'm satisfied.  Moreover the other owners' balconies are getting the same solution. When I spoke to the management, I told them that we owners had spent a considerable amount of money to get the patios redone and by leaving them the way the engineer recommended, we would likely be having to spend even more money in the not too distant future. I had to emphasize that because I think there was some misunderstanding that I was merely raising a design or aesthetic idea. Anyway that is done. Over the past week or two, I have also purchased new patio chair pads and a new patio umbrella. I also had time to wash the patio doors and all the windows and sills from the outside and move or position all the patio planters. It's doubtful that I'll plant anything in the planters until next spring. I will try to find some suitable greenery to plant this fall if there is anything at the nursery that fit within our new planting guidelines. If not, I'll have to wait until next year. 

Before table and chairs were washed.

In addition to the patio, I'm still working in the master bedroom. I've been moving and rearranging things. I also finally called the movers to discuss some claims items (2 of my belongings were damaged) so resolving that will be the goal over the next week or so. The moving company is eager to resolve the issue so they can also get paid their considerable sum by the insurance company.

One thing that has added to my already busy schedule is potluck dinners every week at the church. I don't need to take something every week but as the church gathering is not usually that large, I have taken something for several weeks in a row. Last Sunday my contribution was dessert. I was going to take dessert bars because they are easy to make and easy to transport on the bus but in the end I decided to take a reduced sugar version of Peach Cobbler and a version of Bliss Balls which I made up with ingredients on hand.  Both were quite good and a hit with people who attended.  Now I'm taking some time off from baking and will take either a main course or a salad for the potluck at the end of September.

Bliss balls made with dates, shredded coconut,
walnuts, peanut butter and cocoa.

Reduced sugar Peach Cobbler 
I also used ground muesli mix instead of flour

I've been busy shopping for a few needed items: a new heavy duty backpack from Swiss Gear. This is a laptop backpack but I bought it just for every day use and I'm very happy with how sturdy it is. I've already gotten a lot of use out of it.

I bought a few dresses on clearance prices and a pair of Mary Jane shoes which are suitable for wearing with dresses or pants. I've decided to try and dress more traditionally (dresses where possible) for church.  I thought long and hard about these purchases but looking at my closet, I realize I have very few wearable dresses for certain occasions. 

Since these are summer dresses, I'm planning to wear them as much as possible before colder weather arrives. I'm also experimenting with how to extend their wearability as the weather gets cooler by pairing with tights, scarves, jackets, cardigans, covered shoes and boots. These ideas will help in reducing the number of new purchases as well.

I've already enjoyed wearing this one.  DH liked it too!

So much of the past few months has been all about work, some of it very unexpected like the leak several floors above me and the ensuing damage in the master bedroom. It's meant a lot of extra work for me in so many ways.  To take a break from it all, I've done a fair bit of reading and watching the boob tube or the You Tube. These are easy ways to take a break when one is tired of work.  

The reading statistics thus far

  • 18411 pages 
  • 47 books
I'm currently reading 4 books. 

The book on the Vagus Nerve.

These books should keep me busy for a while. 

Last but not least, I'm still trying to declutter. I've made good progress but more to go. I need to make more progress before my niece comes to stay for a brief visit later this month. I'm also hoping to hear from my brother and his wife but they will be staying elsewhere.

I certainly haven't been leading what one would call an exciting or fun life of late but I know it's certainly better than the alternative. A good friend passed in July. She was seemingly healthy and a bit younger than me. It is still difficult for me to accept that she's gone and sometimes I think of calling her to get together. I guess it will take me some time to get used to the idea that she is no longer with us.  Losing her reminds me that every day we have here is a gift and it helps me to be content with what each day brings. Actually, I've been working on that principle for many years already however losing someone close to you brings the principle more sharply into thought and focus.

If you've read this far, thank you. I truly appreciate your time and interest. Let me know you were here and how your summer went or if you are on the other side of the globe, what did you do this winter?

Friday, August 30, 2024

Skywatch Friday ~ The Last Friday in August

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all doing well this end of the month of August.  For those of us in the western hemisphere, the end of August typically signals the end of the summer and back to school for those with children. In fact, many already seem to have begun the school year earlier this month. How did that happen?!  

Most schools where I live will start classes after the August/September long weekend and head back to classes on September 3, 2024. This rings true for school age children and those studying at the colleges and universities.

Over the past 2 weeks or so, it was raining and the temperature chilled quite a bit although the forecast is for warmer temperatures through to at least Sunday where we may reach 30 degrees Celsius. I think that will be it for our summer however and the forecast is for a colder (and wetter where I live) winter this year due to the effects of La Niña. I am hoping to do a bit of window proofing earlier this year to prepare for it.

Right now I'm just going to enjoy the sunshine that there is.

This photo was taken on the renovated balcony. Unfortunately, it took all summer to do the work and so we were not able to plant the garden or enjoy the finished result during the summer season. I'm now trying to see what I can do before the rain sets in this autumn.

The rest of the photos were taken at the community garden plot. 

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week. Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Weather Changes ~ Before & After

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are well and enjoying the last days of August.

We've been having several days of rain as we close out the month. The first few photos were taken on Monday, August 26, 2024.

The weather has now turned sunny again and we're supposed to get a few more days of summer like weather. On Tuesday while out shopping, I could certainly feel a chill in the air. Usually I don't really notice it until September arrives.

I'm happy to get more days of sunshine before we get well and truly into the fall season.

Cushion Covers

  My theme word in 2024 was 'create'. I'm afraid I didn't actually create too much due to various interruptions (read more h...