Thursday, April 1, 2010

Vancouver Sky ~ Skywatch Friday, April 2, 2010

Here are some recent photos of the sky over Vancouver. It has been a cloudy and rainy Spring so far.

I captured these snapshots of the sun breaking through the clouds during a break in the rain as I was leaving the Emergency Room earlier this week. I was grateful that my tests showed nothing abnormal. I was very impressed with the hospital I went to. I've never been treated so well by all the staff from admission to discharge. That makes a short hospital stay all the more pleasant, doesn't it?

As I close this post, let me wish each of you and your respective families and loved ones,
a very blessed Easter weekend.

They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.

John 20:9 (NIV) 

Easter is a promise
God renews to us in each spring.
May the promise of Easter
fill your heart with peace and joy!
Happy Easter!

Click here for more photos from around the world.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My World Tuesday ~ A Walk on Cambie

Sunday night was a loud night of rattling winds and rain. Monday morning it poured torrential rains and after it stopped, I thought it was safe to go out for a walk and errands. I got caught in the rain and more wind and was a bit chilled despite having 3/4 length sleeves on my sweater and my jacket but I pressed on and managed to get everything done that I had set out to do.  I also managed to get some beautiful photos.

Most of these snapshots were taken on Cambie Street.  The street under which the new rapid transit and subway links the Vancouver International Airport to Downtown Vancouver. Though the train opened in October 2009, I still haven't even had a chance to ride it.  I am hoping to get out to the airport well before I travel again by plane.

Here is a little peek down a side street.

I thought this tree showed off the lovely blooming green leaves.

In this photo you can see the clouds parted and the blue sky peeked out for a bit.

The gate at this house was just too cute to pass by without taking a photo. I wonder if the husband of the household gifted his wife with this gate on Valentine's Day? I think that would be a romantic thing to do.

At this time of the season I am pleased to find blossoms on trees and this Magnolia was no exception. Isn't it pretty?  Even the carpet of fallen leaves is so pretty. The rose bush was also a delightful find.

These next photos capture some of the buildings in the neighbourhood. They are taken to show others around the world what it looks like here. If one has never been to a place, one is often curious about what it looks like. Even if you have visited a place, I find that in this day of rapid development, things don't stay the same for long.

The Park in the background is a Vancouver institution and one of the old style movie theatres in the city.

In the photo above there is a tall building in the background with a circular top. It is the Harbour Center. Read about it here.

I end this tour with a panorama of the city skyline.


As you can see, the sky above is still very menacing but I'm happy to report that the rain held off until I finished my errands and returned home. I was very glad of that since I was laden with bags and very tired.


Addendum: LV over at kindly posted this award for me today. I think it is a cool award and it glady accept it because that is what I try to do with my blogs; bring a little ray of sunshine (and it doesn't ask me to do anything *smile).

Weekend Work

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,  I hope you are well and enjoying the weekend. As mentioned in my last post, I was spending time to declu...