Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chilean Miracle

My heart is swelled with gratitude for the miracle of the rescue of the Chilean miners. I watched with bated breath along with the rest of the world these past two nights and am so grateful this saga has a happy ending. It truly is a miracle.

Chilean miner Mario Sepulveda, celebrating after leaving the rescue capsule during the rescue operation at the San Jose mine near Copiapo. Photograph: Hugo Intante/EPA (Photo from

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today I am Thankful

Thank you to my newest follower, Ginny Hartzler! You make my day ;-)

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Today I am thankful for:

* a mom who though ill is still with us
* a brother who tries to help though he has a lot to learn
* friends and relatives who care
* the Canadian medical system
* books to read
* a God who loves
* a home
* food
* interests outside the home
* faith
* hope
* love
* a shower
* music
* internet
* green grass
* clean laundry
* sunshine and the rain
* natural beauty all around me
* rest

There are so many things to be grateful for and this list is just but a few of them.   My list is not in order of importance, just listed as they came to me. I am celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving today with the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, a stock reduction instead of the usual gravy and pumpkin pie.

This bird is approximately 10 pounds.

Here it looks like a monster bird as pointed out by Lonicera.
I haven't stopped often enough to give thanks but today I did just that during this Thanksgiving Day in Canada. I pray you also have much to be thankful for both this day and every day.

A Day in Photos

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you are all well today. I took a little jaunt out to the University of British Columbia on Sunday ...