Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update on Fundraising for Little Linet's Surgery

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

This is a quick update to let you know that we still need $80 60 (eighty sixty dollars) Canadian to get the medical evaluation as to whether cleft palate surgery can be performed on Little Linet. See story in my last post (click "Older Post" at bottom of this post if you do not see the story on this page).  We also need $70 (seventy dollars) Canadian for the return travels for 3 people (Little Linet, Mama Linet and Jonah to assist them). Altogether we need $130 dollars  (Canadian) for Little Linet.

I had a couple people contact me about the DONATE feature on Jonah's website which is acting up. This has been a long standing issue for us. Please send your donation via Pay Pal to kerichojoy[at]gmail.com if you have any problems with the DONATE button.

If you are following Edwin's progress for cancer treatment, please know that there is an upcoming trip on August 8th to Nairobi. At that time Edwin will have follow up check up and require more medicine to continue his treatment. If you would like to help Edwin, you can donate in the same way. He will need about $100 (one hundred) Canadian to cover travel, medical treatment and one month's food needs for Edwin and his family.

Thank you so much in advance on behalf of Jonah, Linet and Edwin. Blessings. xx

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Little Linet

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

The last time I wrote you about little Linet she had been taken to hospital.  You might remember Little Linet is the girl with a cleft palate. Her family is not able to afford hospital care.

This photo shows Linet as a toddler when Jonah first started helping her with doctor visits and food.

My friend Jonah, in Kenya, first helped this little one because she couldn't eat. Somehow by the grace of God, the baby was able to start eating after medical attention and she gained weight. However she has been having  many problems and is now malnourished.

She went to hospital again a few weeks ago and the doctors took out her long front teeth, administered oral hygiene and tended to her  mouth wounds.  She is now on a strict diet which the mother cannot afford to purchase for her little girl. She needs our help.

This is Linet (standing) with her mother on her way to see doctor at mission hospital.

We still need to cover some nominal costs of Linet's oral surgery from a few weeks ago.   At the same time, we are trying to help with special food needs and raising the funds for the cleft palate surgery. The mission hospital is not close to where Little Linet lives with her family so there are additional costs like transport, food and lodgings.

You can see the little girl's long teeth in front. These were removed.

This girl is supposed to go to the missions hospital for an evaluation as to whether she can have surgery to repair her cleft palate.  Repairing it is the only way to resolve the different medical issues she has been suffering for a few years now.  It will cost us a few hundred dollars for the medical costs, transportation (Linet, her mother and Jonah to assist them), food and follow up costs.  If we can't raise the money for her surgery, she will continue to lose weight.

The surgery we are doing is NOT through Operation Smile. I did look into that program some time ago but learned that not everyone who can get to screening will be selected for surgery.  I also learned that Operation Smile collects a donation of $240 US even though surgeon and nursing care are donated to the surgery efforts.  The $240 doesn't cover the cost of a family's transportation to get to the medical center, lodging or food costs.  I've posted this information about Operation Smile just so you have something similar with which to compare Little Linet's need.

If you can help Little Linet get the medical evaluation and the surgery she so desperately requires, you can send your donation

via Pay Pal to kerichojoy[at]gmail.com

or link here at Kenya Missions of Hope for the DONATE button.

My apologies, but the links to Kenya Missions of Hope don't always work consistently.  If you have any problems at all please let me know.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sky Over Granville Island

For more beautiful skies from Skywatch Friday, click here.

Beautiful Tulip

Join Floral Friday Fotos here. Also join Tina at Weekend Flowers on Friday, here.

Back to Routine & a Bit of Knitting

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

After having a visitor for a few weeks, I'm catching up on my own schedule of things.  I've actually been very busy with household work, doing my laundry and trying to clean my carpets; vacuuming and steam cleaning, vacuuming and steam cleaning and so on, until the high traffic areas are clean.  I have one of those small steamer (steam-tek mop) that works with just water in it. I like it because it is very light and easy to use. It isn't for heavy duty jobs but it helps a lot.

Following my post yesterday, I've also been spending a lot of time trying to implement my new blogging approach by deleting many of my subscriptions. One thing I've learned is that although there is a place to manage one's subscriptions in Google Reader, it actually doesn't work that well. I've been trying to delete certain subscriptions since well before yesterday and they continue to appear in my dashboard. Has anyone else experienced this? So much for efficient computer use. Though I will keep trying I didn't expect it to be so difficult to delete blogs!

I've also been fitting in a bit of knitting which I find so relaxing. This time I made two dishcloths in this rib knit pattern which I found here last year. I use size 6 mm needles rather than the size 4.5 mm called for. I really like my 6 mm needles because they are bamboo and so comfortable to use.  I really should try knitting with the proper size needles to get a neater look (I need all the help I can get) *smile.

Since I first printed the pattern for the washcloth in the photo, the author has made corrections to her pattern but I am still using the old one! I'm such a newbie that I didn't notice anything wrong with the pattern other than it isn't as neat around the edges as I'd like and that is perhaps due to my lack of skill. I'll have to try the new instructions and see what a difference it makes. I just finished putting the crocheted edge around the dishcloths today. Later I hope to go downtown and continue the sofa search I started last month.

As I was looking for the yarn to make these dishcloths I realized I still have my small afghan to finish. It was going to be a baby afghan but now I will turn it into a lap blanket for my mother.  Sadly she didn't get to use the crocheted afghan I made for her (photo of the work in progress here).  The very day I gave it to her, someone rolled it up in a bunch of things they donated and we never saw it again. Mom didn't even have a chance to get a label put on it so that she could be identified as the owner.

I hope you are all having a good week. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

One of my goals this year is to use computer time more efficiently and effectively. Saving time in one area will help me spend more time in bible study, and general reading.  One of the things I've decided, is to reduce the number of blogs I follow, and also the number of blogs I comment on.  I've been subscribed to literally hundreds of blogs at any given time.  In addition, I participate in many weekly memes.

I've made it a practice to read most of the new posts on these blogs and memes.  If I take time to read a post, I also take time to leave a comment.  I've been doing this for years. As you can imagine, it takes a good chunk of time from my week but I do love to read and learn from others, and share a bit of myself.

I have no problem in doing this and for the most part have enjoyed it. However, I've decided it is time to make changes.

So along that vein, and with very few exceptions, I will no longer be commenting on blogs that I used to follow quite closely and blogs on which I used to be a frequenter commenter. I will also experiment with reading posts and not commenting quite as frequently.  This practice seems to be quite common. On my own blog, I no longer reply to every comment left for me. I used to reply as a matter of courtesy. However I'm not sure how many people come back and read the response and I've also heard it said that it annoys some people to no end. I will leave replies from time to time but more as an exception rather than the rule. That will save me time and hopefully annoy fewer people!

I have a blogging philosophy in which I try to "connect" with other bloggers and develop a bit of a relationship with them.  Relationship building requires something from both sides.

After years of visiting some blogs and hearing nothing, I've begun to feel like a voyeur and an intruder in the lives of people I do not know. People who write freely about intimate aspects of their lives or share freely of their knowledge but they never take time to say "hello, welcome to my world" or never come by to see what I'm up to. So I'm moving on.

With a few exceptions, I will be concentrating on following bloggers who take time to connect in some way.  I don't mean we have to become "pals".  I know everyone is busy. I am just saying let's show common courtesy and take time to encourage one another's blogging efforts through showing appreciation of each other's efforts from time to time.

I will continue to participate in weekly memes which I also love. However, I will again be limiting my comments to those bloggers that show reciprocity now and then then.

I do love blogging and reading your blogs. I get inspired, I learn something, I cry with you, pray with you, relate to you through your stories, want to "root for you", laugh with you, etc. I look forward to reading more of your posts and leaving comments or encouragement.   If I haven't visited you in the last few days please know I am a little behind due to family obligations but I will be by very soon.

I'm very thankful for those of you who do take time to come by and read my posts or view my photos.  You encourage me on my blogging journey.

Have a great week!

Monday, July 23, 2012

An Oasis on a Hot Day

One day my niece and I went to a local park for a picnic. I think it was one of our hottest days during the two weeks she was visiting. I don't have air conditioning and the fan wasn't enough to keep the condo feeling fresh and cool. It turned out to be a good decision to go the park.

The small park was busy while we were there but not too busy.

I also took cushions and books.  I wasn't up to reading but my niece looked at books while I relaxed.

We munched on mini meatballs, potato and egg salad, cheese, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes and grapes. We brought water to drink and a soda each.

The black crow in the tree next to us seemed to be waiting for some food.  We didn't
encourage it by throwing scraps of food but my niece loved to watch this bird and two others that joined it.

The shady trees made a refreshing change from the condo. It's always lovely to get out for a picnic but I seldom do these days.

Join in here to see what others are up to on Our World Tuesday.

Weekend Work

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,  I hope you are well and enjoying the weekend. As mentioned in my last post, I was spending time to declu...