Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pink Everywhere

Gazing at pink fluff

Everywhere there is pink stuff

Pink is beautiful!
(I managed to get these snapshots at the University of BC today).

I'm joining Our World Tuesday today. Join in and have a look.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Is Here

Two months ago, I said that Spring was coming, lol. We had signs of new life in the garden. Sadly it ended up being quite cold for much of the time since but at last I think we've turned the corner. We've had glorious sunshine and warm temperatures this past week.

Currently we are back to rain but the sun will return in a few days. I am enjoying the cherry, apple and plum blossoms at this time of year.  I took these photos in my neighbourhood and deliberately shot into the sun on a hurried trip to the market.  I would like to get out to other parts of the city to enjoy more blossoms if I have time before these fleeting blossoms are gone for another year.

I hope you are enjoying your spring season.

I'm linking up with Skywatch Friday where you too can visit and see so many lovely skies from around the world. Have a lovely weekend.

First Monday in May

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, How are you all doing today?  I'm still very busy with errands and such.  Some of you know that I've...