Monday, March 28, 2011

Blossoms Make My World Tuesday

I want to welcome and thank my latest follower, Danielle Arruda. Unfortunately I don't see your blog so I'm sorry I cannot follow you back. I hope you enjoy your visits here and that you leave a comment or two!

I love this time of year when the Spring blossoms come out, especially apple, cherry and plum blossoms. Last year it rained a lot during the tree blossom season and there was never really a clear day to enjoy them. I'm hoping this year will be different though so far we've had a lot of overcast and rainy days. Blossoms are fleeting so I took a few shots to commemorate the year. I hope to get more soon.  If I'm fortunate I can get some on a sunny day too. 

Thank you for joining me for My World Tueday.
Please join others from around the world here so you can see what they are up to this Tuesday.


fe said...

nice pictures :)

Joyful said...

Thank you, Fe!

Grace said...

Thanks for sharing, it's lovely to see nature...I live in a big city so I seldom get t see such sights. Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment!

Joyful said...

Thank you Grace for your love comment. I live in a big city too but we are so lucky to have lots of natural beauty all around us.

Titania said...

Spring in the cold climate is such a wonderful time.The whispers of pretty blossoms and new green leaves. Your photo series emphasizes this happy time splendidly. Happy spring days , Joyful!

Kerichojoy said...

Titania, we are fortunate here in NA to enjoy 4 seasons in many parts of Canada and USA though sometimes we complain loudly about the weather, lol. Thank you so much for your visit and your kind comments on my photo series.

Gattina said...

That really smells spring ! Beautiful !

Eileen3600 said...

Happy Spring. It is lovely to start seeing the lossoms on the trees.

Benita said...

Lovely photos. I wish that spring comes to me as well but this morning we had -16° C.

Donnie said...

Such lovely blooms.

Jan B said...

Lovely photos around your area, Penny.
Trusting all well with you.

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

Beautiful blooms!
I'm your new follower!

bj said...

Pretty photo.
Thanks so much for coming by..hope you will come again soon.

Pastorsmate said...

Very nice pictures, hope your day is a good one, and may God bless you in all you do, Hugs Barbara

Bossy Betty said...

SO pretty! Just a reminder that new life is all around!

Carla said...

Beautiful photos! I'm SOO anxious for spring! We still have snow here, and it's calling for more in a few's been such a LONG winter! *sigh*

Joyful said...

Happy Spring to you too Eileen!

Joyful said...

Thank you for the kind words Benita. It seems that Spring is slow in coming this year but when it finally arrives, I know we will all enjoy it :-)

Joyful said...

Thank you Donnie. Happy Spring to you!

Joyful said...

Yes, Jan, the blooms all around are lovely. I hope to get a lot more snaps of them this year. I hope all is well with you too ;-) xx

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of spring blooms.

Joyful said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos, Barbara. Every Spring I get an extra feeling of gratitude for the beauty that God made for us to enjoy. Hugs xx

Joyful said...

Yes indeed BB. New life is always to be found. Thanks for your visit!

Joyful said...

Yes it has been such a long winter here too it seems. I get tired of rain but overall I can't complain, or at least I shouldn't. When I see those tree blossoms, I am just so glad. I hope you get some signs of Spring too. xx

Cailin Marie Mulhare said...

thank you for visiting my blog :-) your photos of the spring buds and the trees are lovely

Ciccia said...

Beautiful pictures! It really does seem like spring finally. Here in Sicily however it's still a bit cloudy and cold, but the sun is struggling to come out.

Joyful said...

Rajesh, thank you for your visit and your kind words.

Joyful said...

You're very welcome Cailin. I'm glad you enjoyed the spring buds.

Joyful said...

Ciccia, it seems the weather has been coolish for longer this year. I hope your spring buds will blossom for you soon in Sicily.

Joyful said...

Thank you Barbara for following me. That's awesome. I'm glad you enjoyed the blossoms.

Sallie (FullTime-LIfe) said...

Love the pictures of early spring! (We don't get much of that -- no winter in Florida, therefore no spring -- at least not the kind we were used to coming from the Pacific Northwest). Thanks for sharing.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Sallie. I don't know if I could live in a place like Florida full time. I like to see some of the seasons. If you were in the Pacific Northwest (more or less where I am), I'm sure you were tired of the rain and I do get tired of the rain too sometimes ;-)

ReachBeyondLimits said...

It's a beautiful world you have there!

Joyful said...

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it ;-)

NatureFootstep said...

our spring has hardly started. We had a bit snow today. Love your blossoms.

Gator said...

Beautiful! No blossoms for a while here yet...

Kat said...

I love your beautiful. Have a great day.

Regina said...

These are spectacular Penny! Have been meaning to stop by..briefly- I figured out a problem I was having with my photos (size) then may of picked up a virus in my lap top (shut it down in time) but long story short- its getting a scan! I will be back as my phone doesn't do your photos justice..really lovely and so fortunate to have this variety!

Joyful said...

It seems Spring is very late in a lot of places. I'm glad you enjoyed my blossom photos :-)

Joyful said...

Thank you, Gator. I hope you get your blossoms soon ;-)

Joyful said...

Thank you, Katherine. I love it too ;-)

Clairz said...

Very lovely photos, as always!

Joyful said...

Thank you, Clair!

Joyful said...

We are waiting for the sakura too.

Joyful said...

I hope they arrive soon for you.

Caroline Holder said...

I like keeping up with your life - and am ashamed to realise that I'm not following your blog on my side bar, which I'm now going to put right. Your "Popular Posts" - is that what you meant and have you only just done it?? I love the idea of photos to encourage readers to click on the post, but I resisted the temptation to do that because I reckoned it was going to take up too much space. You've made it look nice though.

Joyful said...

Thank you for your sweet comment Caroline. I've left a response to your question over at your blog. I'm always playing around and experimenting with the look of my blog. Now you see it, now you don't is the theme, lol. I'm glad you like the photos that identify the popular posts. i think it is a good feature too!

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