Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blue Monday

I made this little baby bib with the multi-coloured blue and green yarn. I just need to add a button.

The colours are more vivid than in this photo which was taken in poor night light.

  Joining up with Smiling Sally at Blue Monday.

Smiling Sally


  1. Looks like more hats coming up!!!

  2. Happy Blue Monday! Lovely photo of various shades of beautiful blues:)
    Thank you for visit and comment on mine:)

  3. Happy Blue Monday! Lovely photo of various shades of beautiful blues:)
    Thank you for visit and comment on mine:)

  4. That yarn is blue-tiful!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Joy.

  5. Hello Joyful
    The yarn looks really nice out - beautiful bibs you made.
    Wish you a good day / good new week :)
    Hugs Hanne Bente

  6. Hello Fellow Yarnie....yep, I'm a knitter, crocheter, yarn collector, and I love your blues and the Bib! I bet I have a Blue Button...come see my Blue Button post for Blue Monday. Happy Blue Monday!!!

  7. Hello Penny, whenever I see another beautiful object that you've crafted, I want to drop all this Guest House work and grab my needles instead! Really beautiful. May you have a wonderful week, my friend. (((Hugs))) Jo

  8. Good Morning, Penny-at least it's a.m. here, in S. Florida (9 a.m.) to be exact!

    I didn't know there was a 'blue' Monday...I happen to love 'blue' things, and have a 'blue' board on my Pinterest board. Love your creative knitting...adorable baby bib!
    Will be strolling down to your previous posts of what I missed:)

  9. Interesting composition, a nice color.

  10. This is a pretty bib! Very unique. Happy Blue Monday!

  11. You did a very nice job on the little baby bib. I like the colors you chose.

  12. Pretty! I'd be reluctant to let a baby mess it up. =)

  13. Sorry. I did leave a link. Didn't see your notice until too late!

  14. Wish I have a talent to do those! Visiting from BM.

  15. You are very talented. Did you make this as a present for anyone?

    1. Hi Mina, thank you. I am making things for sale to help Kenyan villagers.

  16. ADORABLE!!!!!! Good job my friend.

  17. It looks so lovely! makes me want to create one for my new nephew! :)


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