Thursday, October 25, 2012

Simple Pleasures

"That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest." ~ Thoreau 

"Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires."  ~ Lao-Tzu

Hello friends,

How are you today? I hope you are all having a fantastic week. I have been busy doing a little knitting and a lot of crocheting.  Today was a good day as I took a break from that.  Yesterday was a good day too as I had a chance to clean my kitchen floors and do some laundry.  It felt good to 'catch up' on house work for a day.  Do you ever notice how housekeeping feels good when you haven't had time to do it and you get a chance to catch up? Or is that just me?

I just got back from errands and grocery shopping.  I sent my mother a small care package of a hot water bottle wrapped in a cosy leopard print cover and a toothbrush.  Since the weather turned cool she has been complaining of being very cold.  No amount of blankets and wraps seems to help.   I can totally understand as I've been feeling a bit that way myself. The weather changed suddenly this year rather than gradually and no doubt we are both feeling the brunt of it.  I thought a hot water bottle might help her as she is not allowed to use an electric blanket for safety reasons.  She also needed a new toothbrush. Even though she has two somewhere in her room or bathroom, the staff never seem to be able to find anything.  Poor mom has also been having a lot of breathing issues lately.  She is using an inhaler but it doesn't seem to help much. If you would say a prayer for her that would mean so much to me.

At the post office I also weighed all the hand crafted items I've been making for my Etsy shop.  Some of you will have seen a few of the items I've been making.  I'm hoping to raise funds for the Missions of Hope through the sales.

Right now I'm making a quick dinner of stir-fried ground beef (minced beef) with chopped vegetables (baby carrots, onions, celery and fresh green beans). I like to stir-fry all this with soy sauce and put it on top of small new potatoes with skins on.  I don't know if they have new potatoes outside of North America. They are just basically small, immature potatoes.  The skin is not yet hardened and thick and they are quite delicious!  I also have some baby greens, English cucumber, tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts and a yellow apple for a basic salad.

After a few days of being mostly indoors and feeling oh so tired, it is such a joy to have a nice simple day where I don't feel too bad.  Adding to my feeling of joy is a short letter I received from one of my sponsored boys, named John. John lives in a slum near Nairobi, Kenya. He is 9 years old and today the letter I received is one he wrote me all by himself.  Usually someone else writes a letter for him.  John wrote his letter in English and I am so proud of his nice, neat printing.

I was also blessed to receive a letter from the daughter of my childhood Sunday School teacher.  My former teacher is about 90 years old and though she is in good physical condition, her memory is no longer good. Her daughter is packing up her mother's things and moving her into her home to look after her better.  While she was packing her mother's things she came across a note I sent back in November 2011 and decided to write me.  I'm so glad she did.  I'm also glad I've been writing to my former teacher while her memory was still intact.  It was one of my goals to let her know how much she meant to me and how her faithfulness impacted my life in a positive way.

The weekend starts tomorrow.  
My wish for you is that you have time for some simple pleasures.

Blessings and hugs.


  1. Dear Friend,
    the blog is great! yes, i also feel great when you catch up on house work, and the house looks especially clean after days of mess. Sorry to hear about your mom and breathing, I will keep her in my prayers and I also think it is great that John wrote you that GREAT letter in English. That would sure make my day!!!!! love me

    1. Thank you dear friend for leaving so many comments for me on this and older posts. I truly appreciate it. I thank you too for keeping mom in prayer She is doing better with her breathing. Praise God.

  2. The Thoreau quote so true, Penny, and makes the difference being contented or miserable with one's lot in life.
    You've been very busy as usual. And sorry you and your Mum feeling the cold more than other years, trust you are both feeling better now.
    Have a pleasanat weekend.
    Blessings, Jan

    1. Thank you for your well wishes Jan. Yes, thankfully both mom and I are doing better. I hope you are also having a pleasant weekend :-)

  3. Hi Penny, how wonderful that the Sunday School Teacher's daughter decided to write to you. I LOVE receiving letters like this. And also from the little Kenyan lad, John. You make such a difference to so many East Africans, Penny, bless you for that. Mmm, I don't like housework, probably because I don't have to do it. I've always been blessed with wonderful ladies cleaning for me. I love the sound of the stir fry. Yes we get new potatoes in South Africa. Something I really miss here in EA is new and baby veg but we make up for it when we go out on leave. May you have a a wonderful weekend, Penny. Hugs, Jo (PS I haven't forgotten your mail - will get to it soon - bosses are here this weekend so more catering for me, sigh!)

    1. Yes, it is exciting to receive letters, isn't it Jo. I was blessed this week in receiving correspondence and in meeting more new friends. You are blessed to have help with the housework. I would like to have some regular help now that I am not so able as I once was but to be honest, I would be bored not doing any housework. I find it therapeutic and satisfying. I just can't keep up with it daily. I'm glad to hear that you do have new potatoes in SA. I guess in EA they haven't yet decided to harvest baby veggies but I'm sure they would do a wonderful job since they are such great growers of vegetables in general. I am always amazed when I travel there to see how large and healthy the vegetables do look. I did get your email. Thanks so much! I hope the luncheon with the bosses went well.

  4. This sounds like a very blessed day. How clever little John is to write his own letter in English. Amazing! And a lovely letter like that - just perfect. I am thinking of your Mum and of how wonderful you are to be busy parceling up a hot water bottle etc., you show me how to love and care for others, you really do. It sounds so simple and I can't quite put into words how I need to learn this but I do. It fills me up when I read this. Also your busyness at the postoffice weighing your craft items in the hope of raising some money for Missions of Hope. Thank you. xx

    1. Hi Jan, your kind words really touch me. I'm glad I could positively impact you in some way. Hugs. xx

  5. Hi Penny..I enjoyed the read. Nice to hear the update about your mom and your former teacher is like my mom who is only a couple years older. My dad will be 96yrs tomorrow. He is spunky and has some dementia..often repeats himself. My mom appears to be winding down. She took 2 rounds of antibiotics in row for two different things (one of which was urinary tract infection) out of the blue she gets a horrible open sore/infection on her tendon (just where they warn you)..unbelievable. In addition, her bones are good but due to the antibiotic her joints are painful and she has trouble standing?
    Well hey, I liked that letter- encouraging! The food sounds good you know! I'm sorry about your diabetes..boy we have to be on top of it! Thanks for not forgetting about me and I apologize for taking forever to visit- stay warm (hugs)

    1. Hi Regina, I'm so glad you paid a visit and I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I'm sorry about the failing health of your mom and dad but sooner or later I guess it happens to all of us. You must be from very good, strong stock to have two parents still alive and "kicking" in their late 90s.

  6. Penny, you are a beautiful soul. Glad your teacher's daughter wrote back. Keep doing what you are doing and have a blessed week.

    1. Thank you, Wa Makeri. I will, lol You keep on being the great woman of God that you are ;-)

  7. I am so glad I found my way into your page...someone like you who knows what matters most in life and has a huge heart is a friend I would love to have and keep...stay as beautiful a soul as you are for you truly are inspiring....I will visit again...that I will be very glad to do...:)

    1. Thank you, Kulasa. It's wonderful to have you as my new follower. I look forward to our blogging friendship ;-)


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