Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Missing Summer

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  1. Beautiful photos. Yes the rain has stopped here for a couple of days but we expect it back at the weekend. We have had too much now, the garden is water logged and the grass needs cutting! Take care Diane

  2. Glorious geraniums and petunias... love the sharp colours.

  3. Sharp and beautiful colors. Great photos!

  4. Can't wait to plant seeds in the spring! :) Danica

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. Sorry I can't visit you back as there isn't a blog link.

  6. Great photos. The flowers does remind me of summer.

    1. Thank you. Sorry I can't visit you back as there isn't a blog link.

  7. How lovely. I'm not missing summer a bit here in the low desert of Arizona!

    My daughter loves filling faces with geraniums. She adores the smell.

    Funny girl!

  8. gorgeous flowers. We sure miss it but it will come back. :)

  9. Love pink begonias!
    And truly wordless ;)
    Thanks for visiting!

  10. Beautiful flowers! I miss Summer, too..I am a Summertime person!
    Thank you for visiting , and commenting on my blog!

  11. Yes, I am missing summer too!! Lovely begonias.

  12. But the good part is, spring and summer will roll around again and the beautiful flowers will reappear.

  13. Hello Joyful
    Great pictures - summer is over here.
    DMI / weather) has promised snow maybe tonight.
    Wish you a good Thursday :)
    Hugs Hanne Bente

  14. Hello Joyful
    Thank you for your comment.
    The pictures I show today has been about. 3 km from where we live ..... it is in my eyes a naturally beautiful area we live in (unit - Lake Hald - Dollerup Bakker - not without shallow that it is called smørhullet)
    I was born and raised in a big city Aarhus - Denmark's second largest city, but I love living where I live.
    Wish you a good day - take good care of yourself.
    Hugs Hanne Bente

  15. Beautiful composition on flowers :)
    Have a nice day

  16. Beautiful photos of flowers to see..
    I am already dreaded winter..

  17. what beautify we can see when we look!!! those flowers are just perfect.

  18. Gorgeous flowers! Here in Sicily it's still warm enough to go to the beach. Have a wonderful weekend Joyful! Thank you for stopping by!

  19. Minus 4 C and snow on its way. Lovely to see a splash of colour.

  20. Very pretty flowers. They always bring a sense of serenity.

  21. So beautiful! I too, am missing summer...


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