Thursday, January 10, 2013

Journey Home - Part 3

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. 
 Ralph Waldo Emerson

I returned home from my Christmas travels on December 27, 2012. Part 1 of my journey photos can be viewed here.  Part 2 can be viewed here. This is the last installment of this series.  I hope you enjoyed the peek into the scenery around these parts.

We are at Herrling Island just before you get to the City of Chilliwack.
I think I was just taking photo of the traffic sign and the red barn to the right of the photo.

Chilliwack is a farming community and in this photo you see row upon row of greenhouses.
A photo for my international readers so you can see what is on the side of the road. I think KFC is now in many countries including Kenya. It is a fried chicken fast food outlet.
A scene from the freeway toward one of the many suburbs outside Vancouver. I think this is part of Port Coquitlam.
We are fast approaching the new Port Mann Bridge. You can see it in the distance to the right of the photo.

We are on the new Port Mann Bridge which has only been open about a month and cost 3.4 Billion dollars or thereabouts. It has already been closed to traffic twice due to the bad weather we've been having. They need to find solutions to the problems that have arisen thus far. It's atrocious that the bridge cost that much and can't help move the traffic in bad weather, especially when drivers have to pay a toll fee on top of it all!

A close up view. You can see the posts are designed to join right above the cars below. This was problematic after a snow fall when icy snow bombed cars below causing numerous accidents and bridge closure just before Christmas.
After we crossed the 2nd Narrows Bridge to the north we travelled west on the Upper Levels Hwy. (Trans-Canada Hwy. to Taylor Way and then south to Future Shop at Park Royal Mall). You can take this highway to the Sea to Sky Highway which takes you to the beautiful ski town of Whistler where many locals and celebrities go skiing.
We ended our long journey with a several hour shopping expedition at the Future Shop looking for appliances. It was a busy store that day and my leg was very sore. I was not in the mood for shopping. Thank goodness my brother and nephew were there to do the "legwork".

I was glad to finally get home to Vancouver that day!
This is my submission to Skywatch Friday. You can see the sky was very gray in the last hours of our journey. If you look at Parts 1 and 2, you will see we had a variety of skies that day.
Happy Skywatch Friday! 


Denise said...

Glad you shared.

Anonymous said...

Love that close up shot of the bridge!

Vores have said...

Hello Joyful
WAU - where some great pictures showing the "heavenly". Wish you a good weekend :) Hugs Hanne Bente

Leave It To Davis said...

That is an awesome bridge! Let's hope they can work out the kinks!

eileeninmd said...

It is a cool looking bridge, I do hope they solve the problems and it becomes safe for the drivers. Wishing you a happy weekend.

Carver said...

The Port Mann Bridge is very beautiful but that's a shame about the safety issues. Good shots from your trip home.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots through the drive.

Fred Alton said...

It's a shame about that beautiful bridge. The thing designed to give it beauty is the thing that caused the troubles, it seems. Maybe that's a lot of life. Is there a sermon here somewhere? Honestly, your picture (no. 7) grabbed my attention immediately, espec ially with the old bridge showing through the spires of the new one. Maybe they will find a paint that will melt snow and ice on contact, flushing it as water down and off the bridge.

Jo said...

OMW Penny what an exorbitant amount to pay for something that's not actually ""working" for the people. Our weather when traveling through the midlands of Kwa-Zulu Natal to MIL last month, looked like yours above. Hope you're having a great day. Jo

Sylvia K said...

I, too, love the close-up shot of the bridge! Great shots of our gray winter skies! Have a wonderful weekend, stay warm!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful bridge!

My Sky Shots
Have a safe weekend!

Serline said...

Beautiful bridge. Have a nice weekend!

Coral Wild said...

Hi Penny, have just caught up on your last few posts. I loved the mountain photos from your first Journey post.
I also went to see The Hobbit (in 3D) just before Christmas - a great film, altho I hadn't realised before then that it was made in several parts!
I wish you all the best for 2013, and I hope you get your legs sorted out soon - it's not good to be immobilised!

momto8 said...

and welcome back!! I enjoyed the photos!

Carole M. said...

there is a very similarly constructed bridge in Sydney. How interesting the issue re the overhead cables! What a dilemma. Makes me think of one of our underground traffic tunnels, filling up with poisonous fumes from the cars, that then needed extensive air-outlets, that then pumped it all to the outdoors

Farida said...

Thanks for sharing! I love the road conditions there unlike here wherein it's usually congested. Take care! :)

Dorothy said...

Brrr.... Looks really cold. Thanks for the freeway photos. I love seeing the perspective of 'driving the wrong way.' Lol, I know for you it's the right way... :)

Lonicera said...

The cold comes across quite powerfully - and the trouble your having with your legs. Any better??

AVCr8teur said...

That is neat looking bridge. I wonder if one can walk across it. Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

Irene said...

Love the captures of the new Port Mann Bridge, what an impressive construction!

Jan said...

Very impressive photos, particularly the bridge.
Thank you for your New Year greetings.... and a Blessed New Year to you too.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Glad you made it back safe! Great Pics!

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