Friday, December 24, 2021

Gratitude December- Day 24

Today is Day 24 of Gratitude December. I'm grateful that I was able to meet a friend for coffee and exchange of gifts. We haven't been able to see one another more than once or twice per year during the pandemic so it was so lovely to have a long chat over hot coffee.

She loved her gifts. The main one is the throw I made but I also sent gifts for her husband and 2 boys, both of whom were very excited.

I'll be taking a bit of time to enjoy the holiday and hope to upload a list of Gratitude December items when I return.

All the very best to each and every one of you and a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe. 💗 


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. How wonderful to meet with a good friend and enjoy some true Christmas fellowship and joy. Love that afghan...that is gorgeous! Such talent!! Merry Christmas to you my friend!!

  3. Have a great Christmas and enjoy your break.


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