Showing posts with label Vancouver weather 2023. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vancouver weather 2023. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Fall Y'all

Happy Fall Y'all

Welcome to Tuesday 4. So, can we talk about how your autumn is going this year? Maybe we can get you to post a photo  or two of your area in autumn...big changes or not.

1. Are leaves still falling where you are or are they done now? Have they even changed yet?

Oh yes, leaves changed colour several weeks ago and a lot have fallen to the ground. Last week I thought we were nearing the end of the falling leaves but perhaps there is still another week or two before the end. Here are a few recent photos taken in the neighbourhood.

2.  Does anyone in your family go hunting? Have you ever gone? Would you tell us about it?

No one goes hunting anymore but when I was growing up my dad and my uncles would go hunting for moose. I absolutely love moose meat, especially moose steaks with onions fried in lard and seasoned liberally with salt. Once cooked and while the pan and lard are still hot, you smear a piece of bread in the pan drippings. Usually we ate the meat and bread with boiled potatoes. Oh my, it doesn't get much better than that!  I've never gone hunting myself but I would have loved to have gone. My mom also used to set snares to trap rabbits in winter. She liked rabbit stew but I didn't like it myself. I went with her a few times to collect the rabbits and help skin them but I never learned how to set the snares.

 3.  Who rakes the leaves at your house?

There isn't a lawn to rake at my house but we do have a few trees and we get a lot of fallen leaves every year.  I usually clean these up in the spring when I get the patio ready for the summer.

4. Is football on your menu for fall? What teams get you cheering?

No it isn't. I never watch football.

Friday, May 19, 2023

It's Been a Very Hot Week - Skywatch Friday, May 19, 2023

Hi friends and fellow bloggers,

We have been experiencing extremely hot and dry temperatures over the past week and wild fires have broken out in several places around the province. Wild fires are also raging in northern Alberta and now into the province of Saskatchewan.

I stayed in as much as possible and only went out late in the afternoon. 

The first few photos were taken earlier this week at sunrise followed by a few photos taken at the park where I have my garden allotment. 

I was out for a long walk on one evening and stopped to rest at a bench outside of a coffee shop. This beautiful planter box was net to me. Isn't it a lovely sight on a busy street? That's what I love about my city. You'll find greenery and plants everywhere. Even on busy streets we often have small gardens planted by guerrilla gardeners.

 I hope you are staying safe and cool wherever you are.
Thank you for visiting my submission to
Skywatch Friday this week.

Friday, April 28, 2023

At the Community Garden ~ Skywatch Friday


These photos were taken a week or so ago. The day was overcast but warm enough as you can see by the people sitting on the lawn.  Since then we've had a mixed bag of weather and today was very hot. Tomorrow we are anticipating another hot day. The park was so crowded today in every area. People, including me, have been waiting for the warmer days.

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday today. Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Skywatch Friday ~ April 7, 2023

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

This is a series of photos depicting the weather and skies in Vancouver, Canada at the moment. It has been quite rainy and cold for most days this month and it looks to continue.

I'm hoping that the weather will warm up so I can get out and take better photos of the cherry blossoms. I'm amazed at how they bloom despite the cold.  They give a lot of enjoyment on otherwise dreary days.

 Joining up with Skywatch Friday. Thank you for stopping by and have a blessed Easter.🙏🙏🙏

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Another Friday Has Come & Gone

My how time flies. I wish it would slow down a bit but on the other hand, right now I'm waiting not so patiently for spring season to arrive because we've had a long, cold winter as far as Vancouver weather goes.

Today we had some glorious sunshine and it being Saturday and the end of spring break for students, everyone and his/her dog was out all over town.  However, the good weather won't last long. In fact it will cloud over tonight so my brother and I went for a wonderful drive up the coast to enjoy the scenery. I hope you enjoy the photos.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday today (a day late). Have a wonderful week ahead.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Warm & Cold

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all well. Today I want to share photos I took on Wednesday. The day started off sunny and warmish. I went to the community plot in the late afternoon (first photo) and by the time I left it had turned cold. 

In this photo you can see how bright and beautiful the sky was before it began to cloud over. Today is now Friday and it was very cold when I returned home from a late outing. It's supposed to start raining soon and I expect we'll have unsettled weather for the rest of this month which is the norm. I'm glad I went to put the compost in the garden on Wednesday because I sure wouldn't feel like doing it now.

Thank you for stopping by.
I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday

Monday, February 27, 2023

It Snowed, Again!

 Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are doing well.  It snowed again and has been quite cold since Thursday or so. We had a big dump of snow on Saturday night so I've kept indoors and worked away on decluttering.

I made excellent progress over the past few days and got to sort out a lot of smaller nooks and crannies.

All month long I've been participating in something called a daily declutter challenge.  The challenge is to let go of at least one item each day so the decluttering habit is formed and it doesn't take hours to accomplish.  I have a lot of small items to get rid of because I'm down to the fine-tuning of the major decluttering project I've been working on for awhile. In the fine-tuning stage, it takes me a lot longer to go through every area of clutter and make the decisions as to what to do with things. I tend to collect a lot of paper items and a lot of little things that don't seem to 'fit' into any category of items, a hodge podge, if you will.

I've been surprised to find so much junk in all the places that I decluttered. I suppose it's understandable since some of these small areas haven't seen the light of day for decades.  Literally.  Anyway the month will end in a few days and I'm trying to get as much done as possible. The below items are much of what I've offloaded since Friday.

I've been decluttering something every day this month but I've also been crocheting so I can have a break from the task.  Thursday night I ran out of yarn for the blanket I'm making and I'll need time to go to the craft store to buy at least one more ball to finish the project.

I haven't had time to delve into the books I picked up recently at the library or to finish listening to the audible Spare.

In March, I look forward to getting into these books and planning the community garden for this year.

What plans do you have for the coming month?

Friday, February 24, 2023

Beautiful Friday Sky on a Cold Evening

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I keep thinking Spring is around the corner but my hopes keep getting dashed. We had an unexpected bit of snow on Wednesday night and on Saturday we are expecting up to a foot of fresh snow. Knowing that I went out tonight and did a few pressing errands.

Here are some of my night shots.  There seemed to be a lot going on including an explosion that happened at the dinner hour just before I was about to get off one bus in the heart of the city. I heard a lot of sirens after that. Later I learned the sad news that 2 were treated for burns and lacerations due to the fire which they believe was caused by some kind of underground electrical vault fire. My bus had passed the site where the explosion occurred just seconds before hand and some passengers that got on the bus seconds later says there was smoke and balls of fire coming from the side of the building. Roads, buses and skytrain in the vicinity were all closed or affected in some way but I was on my way out of the city before that happened.

Here are some photos I took while I was downtown. I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday. Please join in too.

Thank you for stopping by. Have an awesome weekend.

October Marches On & Gives Me a Beautiful Gift

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you are well today. October gives us a mixed bag of weather. We've had some spectacular, sunny da...