Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Clothing Now Ready for Sale ~ Please Share this Post

Hello friends,

I've now posted the first set of clothing for sale. I will see how this goes before posting more items for sale, like sweaters and dress slacks and jackets.

Please help to spread the word and help me raise money for Kenya Missions of Hope.

Here is the link to the clothes and all the information.


If you or your friends have any questions about the items posted, please feel free to send me a message.

I thank you on behalf of the Kenyans who will benefit.


Angelika Poe said...

that's a great idea to help Penny ... let you greetings from Geli

Jo said...

What a beautiful gesture, Penny. I hope you sell them all! Blessings, Jo

My Castle in Spain said...

This is such a great idea Penny ! Me too, i hope you sell them all. I also wanted to thank you for your visit on tumblr and comment on the aprons.
Hope you're having a beautiful autumn...

ps : is it ok if i mention your clothes selling in a pre-chrismassy post beginning of december ?

Joyful said...

Greetings to you too, Geli. Thank you for your kind words.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Jo. I sure hope to sell them all too.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Lala. It would be an honour to me if you would write about my post. In fact, I'd love it if all my readers, mentioned this in their blogs or tweeted about it or even put it on Facebook. I've checked out the new cookbook you featured. It looks great.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I will check out the site. God Bless and much love sent. Crystal Mary

Joyful said...

Thank you, Crystal Mary. You're a sweetheart.

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