Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm Stuffed & Thankful

Hello friends,

It's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. I am so thankful to God for so many things. Truly, I am thankful for even the simplest of things like the ability to walk, as an example. I don't take anything for granted.  So Thanksgiving weekend is always a special weekend for me.  It gives me a space in which I can focus on what God has done for me. I am thankful throughout the year but Thanksgiving is an extra special time of reflecting on things for which to be thankful.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

My brother, my nephew and his girlfriend were my guests for dinner.  Now my guests have gone home and I am relaxing and feeling tired and stuffed.  Though everyone ate and had seconds,  there are lot of left overs. I guess I over did it in the cooking.  Partly because at the last minute, I decided to invite two foreign students.  I met one of the students at the African Market I went to in August.  The other one is going to tutor me in Swahili.  Understandably neither of them could make it. One was already invited to dinner tonight and the other was at Whistler (out of town) on school assignment. I told them not to worry because my invitation was so late.  We all agreed to meet soon for another meal or over coffee.

Dinner was traditional:  antipasto plate (cold cuts, cheeses, pickles, grapes, stonewheat crackers), roast turkey with home made stuffing, smashed red potatoes with garlic, gravy,  a big salad with lots of colourful vegetables,brussels sprouts, buns, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, fresh fruit salad, and an assortment of beverages.  I made an extra pie for the guests who will take it to another dinner tomorrow night with other fellow students.

I don't have photos today as dinner preparations were all consuming and I was enjoying my guests when I wasn't busy making dinner.  Tomorrow I can relax instead of working in the kitchen.

Let me close by wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends and readers. I hope your holiday is a good one! myspace graphic comments


Vores have said...

Hello Joyful
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving day ..
Wish you a good new week :)
Hugs Hanne Bente

Mina Joshi said...

Happy Thanksgiving Joyful. It's lovely to spend it with family.

Denise said...

Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, love you.

Farida said...

I know our good Lord will continue to bless you for being so meek and for continuously having a thankful heart all the time. Enjoy the celebration with your family and love ones. God bless :)

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I never had a thanks giving dinner and I also did not really know it happened in Canada as well as the US. I think I need to befriend some North Americans!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Rosemary said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! It sounds like you spent it in the best way possible great food, great friends and most importantly - giving thanks!

Jan said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I am glad you are having a great day. xx

EG CameraGirl said...

Sounds delicious! I'm so glad you had a happy Thanksgiving.

snowwhite said...

I am very glad you had such a great and delightful Thanksgiving! This reminds me of Oshogatsu, New Year's Day in Japan. Family gatherings, friend reunions and a lot of delicious food!
Have a wonderful week.

momto8 said...

Happy Thanksgiving day to you!! sounds like a fabulous menu!!
an attitude of gratitude always makes life sweeter.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! The food sounds delicious.

stardust said...

Nice to know you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The dinner must have been extra delicious seasoned with your love. It looks to be common to celebrate an important holiday with traditional meals. There are many things I’m thankful in my heart but forget to express it.


Pia said...

Happy thanksgiving to you. Thank you for praying for me. I know for sure God heard our prayers. God bless you!

Pat said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving to you, Penny! It sounds like you outdid yourself in cooking. It's nice to have all those delicious leftovers. Nov. 22nd is our Thanksgiving and we will be spending it in southern California with my eldest son and family. I'll be doing some of the cooking, too, I'm sure.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Glad it was a lovely time. I couldn't find a way to turn the sound off. I find sound makes me lose my concentration.

Joyful said...

Hmm, there isn't any sound? I wonder if anyone else hears it?

Dorothy said...

Sounds like a wonderful day of true thanksgiving and sharing. We don't have anything like this is Australia, and I think it's a shame we're not encouraged to be thankful... although you do want it to come from the heart, not because the calendar says so. Your celebrations are so very heartfelt. So glad you enjoyed the day with loved ones. xx

emilyclare said...

I just love the thanksgiving tradition, even though we didn't grow up with it, hope you had a splendid time... its true, there's just so much to thank the Lord for xx

Linda said...

Hi, Penny, I'm sorry my Thanksgiving greetings are a few days late, but I thought of my many Canadian friends and relatives over the weekend. Your menu and your time together sound special. Bless you for your generosity and love for so many!

Susan said...

Your Thanksgiving meal sounded quite sumptuous! Hope you have rested up and recuperated after all the work.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting today. (Oct. 13). Susan

clairz said...

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to you, Penny. I have the feeling that you have made a great many people thankful that they know you. What better way could there be to show your own thanks for a good life?

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