Sunday, October 14, 2012

Time is Flying By!

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.
  1 Thessalonians 4:11–12 NIV

I cannot believe that it has been an entire week since I've posted. I think that has only happened twice in the last several years so my apologies to my regular readers.

The weather has turned cloudy this week and today the rain accompanied the dark sky.  The rain is expected to last a few days.  It came down rather heavily today but I was fine with my jacket and rain hat as I braved the weather to go to the fabric shop. I was looking for fabrics so I could finalize plans for two quilts.

Imagine my surprise when I got to the shop and found a very long line up.  There were also many people hanging around the front entryway, mostly young men.  I quickly realized that the majority of young shoppers were there looking for ready to wear Hallowe'en costumes or fabric to make costumes. 

The popularity of Hallowe'en grows every year and people spend lots of time and money getting creative with their costumes.  I don't celebrate Hallowe'en or get dressed up in any costumes.  That stopped when I was 13 years old.  I don't even give out candy to children because there are really so few children who go house to house.  These days mainly it is a time for adults to get dressed up and have a license to party.  I'm beginning to sound like the Hallowe'en Grinch, lol. It isn't that, but I do not celebrate most holidays except Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.

After winding my way through the crowded store, I managed to find most of what I needed.  Afterward, I met a friend for dinner.  Then we went for coffee and she shared some sweets though I didn't want too much of it today. I walked her to the Bingo where she said she would play a round before making her way home.  I walked home the several blocks rather than catching the bus.  There I sat, unpacking my "goodies" and trying to figure out how to work my various fabrics into the two quilts I have in mind.

One find that I did not have on my list when I went to the fabric store today was fabric for a quilt for my niece.  I've decided to make a very simple quilt for her using a quilt panel with images from Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. My niece LOVES Dorothy and the different characters like the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Lion and so I thought it would be a nice Christmas present just in case I don't see her for Christmas and have to mail the present, I need something that will ship easily.

This is part of the panel I will sew to some quilt batting and backing.

This week I also made this crocheted scarf.  It has metallic thread in it which gives it a glittery look.  Some of you might remember the one I made last week in shades of rust and brown.

In trying to wrap up my reading goals for the year and make progress on a late addition goal (reading the Bible from cover to cover), I managed to finish reading "Letters from Africa, 1914-1931", Isak Dineson (Author), Frans Lasson (Editor), Anne Born (Translator).

I recently read Isak Dineson's (Karen Blixen's pen name), "Out of Africa" which leaves out many details because it is not written chronologically.  This book of letters helps to fill in some of the gaps.  What I enjoyed most in the letters was reading about the many people Karen Blixen met in Kenya, her day to day activities on the farm, her interactions with the tribal people, her love of nature, which included many hunting trips, and just the way life was in Kenya during it's early foreign settlement.  Karen Blixen also writes extensively about feminism, marriage and sexuality.  But I felt that her writings on these latter subjects did not convey her thoughts quite as clearly as on the former subjects.  The fact that she did express views on these subjects at all however, make this book an interesting "must-read".

At the moment, I am reading the classic, "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck.  This will be my last book in my annual reading  goal before I carry on with my goal of reading through the Bible.  I thought I had reached it already with the completion of "Letters", but I was mistaken.  When I was a university student, I read "East of Eden" and remember enjoying it a lot. Recently I found an old copy of the book in the thrift store and decided to re-read it.  I am not enjoying it as much as I did the first time.

I think it's because I no longer have the tolerance for racism against Native Indians (through use of derogatory terms like "squaw"), or misogynistic views of women which is conveyed in different ways throughout the book.  The story is about the two families, the Trasks and the Hamiltons, and it is set in Salinas, California during the era when California was first being settled.  Racism and misogyny were likely very much in existence in those days, just as they are now so in that sense they make perfect sense in the book.

John Steinbeck is one of the foremost American writers of recent times and it is important to be familiar with at least some of his writings. Many of you have probably read  his novel, "The Grapes of Wrath" or at least seen the film by the same name and I would recommend "East of Eden".

Soon, I must get started on my other quilt projects and make some crochet or knit hats.  I have so many projects to undertake that it is often difficult to know where to begin so I usually just work on whatever I feel inspired to work on at any given time.  

I  wish you all a wonderful week ahead!


  1. I know what you mean about time flying by faster and faster. Whew! Time to stop and smell the roses and make quilts! Your Wizard of Oz quilt is going to be gorgeous. LOVE it. Now, is it meant for hanging on a wall as decorative element or as a quilt on a bed? Either way, it will be a winner.

    Dark and rainy here, too. Yuck weather but I'm not going to let it get me down. Better than a snow and ice storm! ha! Take care and have a good Sunday. Susan

    1. Susan, thanks so much for stopping by. The quilt is going to be too long to hang on the wall so it will be an extra large lap blanket and she will likely drape it over her bed. I hope you are keeping dry where you are. It is true that the rain is better than the snow and ice ;-) Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. You are so talented, Penny, with quilting and other projects. When I was quitting smoking, I crocheted blankets for every dog I knew, and then started making them for people. I couldn't manage to make two granny squares the same size, so all my blankets were one giant granny square. My friends and family were very sweet about the "gifts" although I suspect even the larger blankets were used for their pets.
    I don't remember reading Karen Blixen's Letters from Africa, so I'd better look for it. I've read Out of Africa many times and loved it. As for John Steinbeck, he was a favorite of mine when I was in high school and college. Like Mark Twain, he wrote the way people spoke at the time, and both of them were politically incorrect, because political correctness hadn't been "invented" yet. We shudder at some of the words, but cannot deny their talent as writers. I haven't read East of Eden for many years, so maybe I should look into that, too.
    Enjoyed your post today very much, Penny. Sorry if I haven't been commenting very often, but I've been sick for a month or more, which has interfered with my online life a lot.
    Luv, K

    1. Kay, I think it's great that you were able to learn how to make a big granny square and give gifts to friends which were from the heart. It was the way my sister did crochet also. I hope you can find Letters from Africa. I think you would enjoy it. Get better soon. Love, J

  3. I'm jealous of all your projects in progress. I have so many half-finished from years ago, and so many others I'm hoping to do if/when I retire. Love that quote about living a quiet life. I'm all for that.

    1. Thank you for visiting ;-) I am so glad I don't have too many unfinished works as I don't like to have things "hanging over my head". I try to work on several different things and not start too many different project at once. When you are working it is much harder to do. Enjoy the quiet life this week ;-)

  4. Oh Penny, you manage to complete so many of your goals every year, Well done! I just love the crocheted scarf and the quilting idea. Wow, you are talented. I have started with the knitting project which I got from you and will soon show you a completed article! I'd love to read Letters from Africa or as you know, Out of Africa. This time back home I was so rushed with Grant's hospital stay and all the ensued, that I didn't get to the book store. I grew up with John Steinbeck and loved his books. May you have a wonderful week. Blessings Jo

    1. Hi Jo, I find that having broad goals really helps me accomplish things throughout the year. i know it doesn't work for everyone but it gives me some parametres within which to work. I just know you would love "Letters from Africa" if you can find a copy. Perhaps it is available on your e-reader. Glad you've read some Steinbeck books. I'm looking forward to your knitting success soon ;-) Have a blessed week.

  5. That quilt is going to be gorgeous for your niece with that material. Now the renovations are finished I am hoping to find more time over winter to sew and also put brush to canvas. It is ages since I have painted, or done any sewing just because I have not had the room. Have a great week and enjoy your reading. Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. I've not seen this particular panel before. I love it's vivid colours and I'm positive my niece will love it!

  6. I think that the quilt will be a lovely gift. The shiny thread in the scarf make it twinkle. You are so talented.

    1. Thank you for your kind compliments Heidi. I hope you are enjoying the weekend.

  7. I've always wanted to kearn how to knit. Wanted to make a scarf. Oh well, still doesn't know how... Thank you for the greetings. Stay in joy and the blessings of the Lord.

    1. Hi Pia, I think you can make time when you are feeling well and learn how to knit. There are many good tutorials on youtube though personally I hired someone for one lesson and it was well worth it. Keep well and keep smiling :-)

  8. Penny,
    Hi! I like that glittery look to the scarf it looks very pretty.
    Time really is going by quickly.
    It will be winter time before you know it.

    1. Thank you, Pat. I really like the glitter too ;-) It is already feeling chilly here on some days and winter will be here soon for sure. I'm not sure how cold it gets where you live. Perhaps you have warm temperatures all year long!

  9. Sweet blessings to you my very talented friend, love you.

  10. I doubt that your hands or mind are ever idle...and that's a good thing. ;))

    1. I try to keep it that way but I don't always succeed ;-)

  11. Great that you are meeting your goals, Penny, and always very satisfying when we have a purchase in mind and find what we need.

    The panel will be a great success, I have made several, with no ambitions to try the much larger quilt projects.

    Love and Blessings, Jan

    1. Hi Jan, I do get satisfaction from reaching my goals and I especially love to read. I really love the Wizard of Oz panel. It is so bright and colourful. I would love to have a long arm machine to make larger quilts more easily.

  12. I haven't been posting much, either, lately. I just got sort of burned out being online so many hours a week. The Wizard of Oz fabric is SO cute. I'm sure your niece will absolutely love it. And the metallic threads in your scarf really make it sparkle! Nice work.

    1. I totally understand, Pat. I've cut down my time on line as it is hard to make things and blog on a regular basis, lol. I do like the metallic thread look too. Makes the scarves look festive. Have a wonderful week.


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